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Econintersect LLC Econintersect LLC

Econintersect LLC's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Econintersect LLC, including current material.
Blame Poor Economic Growth On ... By Steven Hansen - Aug 24, 2014

Economic discussions are interesting to me even though very little being stated as fact is provable except in theory.  Much of what you may believe as fact is actually opinion based on...

Inequality Is A Bummer By Steven Hansen - Aug 17, 2014

Professor Paul Krugman was at it last week when he opined: For more than three decades, almost everyone who matters in American politics has agreed that higher taxes on the rich and increased aid to...

Should US Tax Corporations More? By Steven Hansen - Aug 03, 2014

I believe taxes are a punishment for doing something wrong. The USA does not tax money flows it wants to occur by creating tax loopholes.Follow up: The Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) folks believe that...

Is The Consumer Failing The Economy? By Steven Hansen - Jul 27, 2014

Last week my post concentrated on prime interest rates' relationship with the economy - and showed there was a general lack correlation between economic growth and the prime interest rates. With over...

Using States As Economic Laboratories By Steven Hansen - Jul 06, 2014

Economic theory is interesting. There never has been "scientific" proof documenting how any theory performs against the wide range of economic dynamics because there is no experimental control sample...

Let Us Kill the Golden Goose - Exports By Steven Hansen - Jun 29, 2014

I have been entertained this past week by a series of posts on trade - but frightened by unenlightened thoughts expressed by a new Congressional leader.Follow up: Before looking at at any of these...

Growing Headwind For 2014 GDP By Steven Hansen - Jun 22, 2014

I have been fairly negative on the prospects for residential construction - this negativity was partially caused by the slowdown in existing home sales. Existing and new homes sales historically...

Improving Jobs Situation Ahead By Steven Hansen - Jun 15, 2014

The week the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) issued their Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) - a report mostly ignored for good reason - it is hard to interpret the good and bad news in...

Is The Economy Flying At Stall Speed? By Steven Hansen - Jun 08, 2014

I am on record saying the data is forecasting a growing economy. I see NO evidence using any recession forecasting tools (or even the more recent new normal dynamics) which suggest a recession in the...

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