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Econintersect LLC Econintersect LLC

Econintersect LLC's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Econintersect LLC, including current material.
Employment: The Bite Of Robotics By Steven Hansen - May 25, 2014

We continue the progression to a robotic workforce. This change is far from uniform, and some companies are better at the transition than others. Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT) continues to be in a failure...

Is Income Inequality A Myth? By Steven Hansen - Apr 07, 2014

During the past week, there has been a few more posts on income inequality. The most notable to me:John Mauldin's "When Inequality Isn't" where it is argued that increasing income inequality is a...

Median Consumer Remains Income Constrained By Steven Hansen - Mar 09, 2014

Even after the good gains shown for personal consumer income in January 2014, this factor continues to constrain economic expansion.There was a relatively good report issued by the BEA (U.S. Dept. of...

Is The US Economy Slowing Down? By Steven Hansen - Feb 23, 2014

The economy appears to be decelerating. Consider that the advance estimate 4Q2013 GDP was 3.2% growth while GDP growth in the previous quarter (3Q2013) was 4.1%. Currently the headlines of components...

Who Is Standing Up For The Middle Class? By Steven Hansen - Jan 19, 2014

The point is that a party committed to small government and low taxes on the rich is, more or less necessarily, a party committed to hurting, not helping, the poor. Will this ever change? Well,...

2014: A Stronger Economy Ahead? By Steven Hansen - Jan 05, 2014

Economic predictions are not to be taken that seriously as they are an extrapolation of today’s knowledge – and introduce significant opinion to reach a particular conclusion.Our...

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