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Econintersect LLC Econintersect LLC

Econintersect LLC's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Econintersect LLC, including current material.
Income Is Not Wealth By Steven Hansen - Oct 16, 2016

Some time back, a reader commented on one of my posts stating: Just out of curiosity for whom have lower taxes created more wealth? Certainly not the middle class - you know, the people in the charts...

Are Employment Numbers To Be Believed? By Steven Hansen - Aug 22, 2016

The problem I have with employment data is that it cannot be validated with any precision in real time.Follow up: You would think in 2016 with internet connectivity there should be no issue assembling...

So What About Free Trade? By Steven Hansen - Aug 14, 2016

The main reason I do not like to write on economic theory is the same reason I do not write on religion or politics - the concepts are not provable and the background dynamics required for theory...

Are Spending Habits Changing? By Steven Hansen - Aug 07, 2016

At Walmart (NYSE:WMT), the patrons seem to have better cars and smartphones than I own - and yet do not believe these patrons are as financially secure as I am. Is the spending pattern changing...

Is The Economy Really Growing At 1.2%? By Steven Hansen - Jul 31, 2016

Headline second quarter advance GDP estimate is 1.2 %, up from last quarter's downward revised 0.8 %. Yet the year-over-year GDP growth declined from 1.6 % to 1.2 %. The real story is the backward...

Are We Heading For A Recession? By Steven Hansen - Jul 10, 2016

The latest data release for US Treasury Tax Revenues shows the year-over-year growth rolling averages are now in negative territory. Is this a recession flag?Follow up: Tax revenues are a lagging...

Growth, Logic And The Federal Reserve By Steven Hansen - Jun 26, 2016

This week Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen made her semi-annual pilgrimage to the US Congress to report on monetary policy and the state of the economy. The Chair said the economic outlook was...

What Dynamic Is Affecting Economic Growth? By Steven Hansen - Jun 19, 2016

The housing sector, both new and used homes, is well below peaks from before the Great Recession. Is this an effect of weak economic growth or simply reflecting demographic change?Follow up: Existing...

5% Unemployment Is For Dummies By Steven Hansen - Jun 05, 2016

Full employment is widely accepted to be the point where the non-employed worker pool has declined as far as it can without fueling inflation.Follow up: I have enjoyed listening to the pundits respond...

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