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Econintersect LLC Econintersect LLC

Econintersect LLC's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Econintersect LLC, including current material.
The Huge Recession Which Never Came By Steven Hansen - May 29, 2016

When I lived in the corporate world, we used global and domestic transport to forecast the economy. The reason was that transport led economic activity.Follow up: Rail is a particularly useful crystal...

What Is Up With Industrial Production? By Steven Hansen - May 23, 2016

This past week, the market was treated by relatively good industrial production data from the Federal Reserve. Headline seasonally adjusted Industrial Production (IP) increased 0.7 % month-over-month...

Talking Out Of One's Orifices By Steven Hansen - Apr 24, 2016

I have no love for opinion masquerading as economic fact. Opinion is when there is little or no data in support of a conclusion. All too often, any economic "data" used is cherry picked (ignoring data...

The Consumer Debt Ceiling By Steven Hansen - Apr 17, 2016

Whenever I think that consumer credit growth must be nearing the tipping point, the next month consumer credit grows again. After all, logic dictates the more debt grows the harder it becomes to repay...

Sweeping Wealth Under The Mat By Steven Hansen - Apr 10, 2016

I wish I had the answer to correct the wealth imbalance between the average Joe and the ultra-rich. Personally I see no evidence that taxing the crap out of the rich to gift the poor will do anything...

The Economy Keeps Stumbling Along By Steven Hansen - Mar 27, 2016

Once a month, I assemble an economic forecast based on analysis of various data points which have led the economy. Historically, most of the time the economy trends up or trends down - but recently...

Is Up Down Or Down Up? By Steven Hansen - Mar 20, 2016

Too often I disagree with the RESULTS of the methodology used to analyze data releases. There is no methodology which is perfect - and for this reason I believe the less you screw with the raw data -...

Flying By The Seat Of Your Pants By Steven Hansen - Mar 13, 2016

I can "prove", using sources on the internet, almost anything. Gold going up, gold declining. Market momentum increasing, market crashing. Even studies and research conflicts, and much of it out of...

Are You Smarter Than The Federal Reserve? By Steven Hansen - Feb 28, 2016

Throughout my career, I have been faced with the dumbest smart people. Many times the deeper one looks at something - the more complex the analysis - the obvious is missed.Follow up: On 16 December...

Economic Outlook Has A Glimmer Of Sunshine By Steven Hansen - Feb 21, 2016

I read tea leaves which are constantly in motion. It not hard for me to paint a doom-and-gloom picture one week, and the next week say that everything is coming up roses. I do not fall in love with...

Smelling The Recession By Steven Hansen - Feb 07, 2016

There is little evidence that the USA is in recession - except in the goods producing sectors and business sales which are marginally in a decline. Even in the contracting goods producing sectors, the...

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