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The National Bank of Canada The National Bank of Canada

The National Bank of Canada's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by The National Bank of Canada, including current material.
Good news in the U.S. … but Europe? By The National Bank of Canada - Nov 29, 2011

Last month we noted that economic indicators had become more encouraging, a development that did much to dissipate market apprehensions of a second U.S. dip into recession. Indicators since then have...

Eurozone: Structural reforms without the ECB is utopia By The National Bank of Canada - Nov 29, 2011

Italy’s two-year government bond yields shot up to near 8% today as euro-zone politicians failed to allay investors’ concerns. Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Sarkozy continue to oppose using the ECB...

World: Deterioration in the euro zone By The National Bank of Canada - Nov 29, 2011

The euro zone remains the centre of attention. Fears for two of the heavyweights, Spain and Italy, are up a notch. To add to the worry, reports of September retail sales and industrial production...

Trade deficit slightly smaller in September By The National Bank of Canada - Nov 28, 2011

FACTS: The Institut de la statistique du Québec reports that Quebec’s trade deficit narrowed slightly in September, falling $60 million to $1.74 billion (top chart). Exports were down $8...

Canada: Corporations Remain In Good Health By The National Bank of Canada - Nov 28, 2011

Corporate Canada remains in good health. According to just-released data by Statistics Canada, non-financial corporations saw their operating earnings rise 3.1% in Q3 on the back of higher sales and a...

Governor Carney Warns European Debt Crisis Barely Contained By The National Bank of Canada - Nov 24, 2011

Bank of Canada Governor Carney made a speech today in Montreal titled Renewing Canada’s Monetary Policy Framework. Most of the speech dealt with information presented earlier this month in a...

Canadian Retail Sales Increased 1.0% In September By The National Bank of Canada - Nov 23, 2011

FACTS: Retail sales increased 1.0% in September, following a 0.6% increase in August. Sales increased in 9 of 11 retail industries. Motor vehicles and parts sales were up 2.8%, after a 1.2% rise in...

Investing In The Natural Gas Revolution By The National Bank of Canada - Nov 22, 2011

In our May 2010 report entitled “Investing In The Natural Gas Revolution” we concluded that there would long-lasting strong global demand for natural gas for three main reasons.1. New...

Major News this Week By The National Bank of Canada - Nov 22, 2011

We have a busy week ahead in terms of economic data from the U.S. and abroad. Much like the last few weeks, this is sure to be another week in which the markets closely track news originating in the...

Economic Indicators Review‏: US, Canada and Europe By The National Bank of Canada - Nov 22, 2011

Canada – In October, headline CPI decelerated to 2.9% year over year from 3.2% in September. Core CPI slipped to 2.1% from 2.2%. On a monthly basis, headlineCPI rose 0.2% after increasing by as...

Canadian Core CPI remains strong in October By The National Bank of Canada - Nov 21, 2011

FACTS: Headline CPI decelerated to 2.9% in October from 3.2% in September. Core CPI also moved down to 2.1% year-over-year from 2.2% one month earlier. On a monthly basis, headline CPI rose 0.2%,...

Auto Exports Set To Surge In Q4 By The National Bank of Canada - Nov 17, 2011

While Europe is sinking into recession, things seem much better on this side of the Atlantic. Canada and the US seem destined for third quarter growth well north of 2% annualized, and early readings...

US Consumers Showing Resilience in Q4 By The National Bank of Canada - Nov 16, 2011

U.S. WatchRetail sales in the US surprised to the upside in October, by expanding 0.5%. Auto sales were strong as expected but excluding that category, sales were even better at +0.6%, also topping...

Major News this Week By The National Bank of Canada - Nov 15, 2011

Major News this WeekAgain this week, fears from Europe will monopolize investors’ attention, overshadowing the release of economic figures. After the sharp rise in Greek yields over the last two...

Economic Indicators Review‏: Canada and US By The National Bank of Canada - Nov 15, 2011

Canada – In September, Canada’s merchandise trade balance was back in the black for the first time since January, pegging in at C$1.25 billion. Consensus expectations were for more red...

Growth Spearheaded by the U.S. and China By The National Bank of Canada - Nov 14, 2011

German Finance Minister Wolfgagng Schauble is reported to have said he is not worried by Italy’s bond spreads (553 basis points above 10-year German bonds) right now because they are similar to...

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