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Investment U Investment U

Investment U's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Investment U, including current material.
A Bright Spot In Oil and Gas By Investment U - Oct 11, 2015

Oil and gas companies have seen better days. As a consequence, many investors are leaving the sector in search of safer harbors to park their cash. But if you needed one good reason to hold on to some...

The Oil Industry’s Day Of Reckoning By Investment U - Oct 04, 2015

Squeezed for cash and sweating... That is the state of oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) companies as they enter October. Our chart above shows just how overleveraged the industry has...

Why Investors Should Be Praying For A Rate Hike By Investment U - Sep 27, 2015

A little over a week ago, the Fed announced it wasn’t raising rates. Our next chance of a hike is October... more likely, December. Perhaps you breathed a sigh of relief when you heard the news....

R.I.P. Interest Rates By Investment U - Sep 20, 2015

I went to the doctor Friday morning. What a problem we have. “How’s the pain? Do you want some pills for that?” he asked. “No thanks, doc. Let’s just figure out...

The No. 1 Factor Dragging Down Earnings By Investment U - Sep 20, 2015

It’s no secret that the broader market has been rough on investors these past few weeks. For one thing, we’ve had to contend with that whole yuan fiasco, which sent the Dow plummeting more...

3 Critical And Disturbing Facts About The Debt Market By Investment U - Sep 13, 2015

The next five days are going to be some of the most important days for investors in recent history. What happens next will set the stage for big profits or a sustained downturn.We are worried about...

Beware The Fed's Demographic-Shift Trap By Investment U - Sep 07, 2015

There’s something few folks are talking about, but it’s something every investor needs to understand. We call it the “Yellen trap.” It could have huge ramifications for your...

How Crisis Creates Opportunity By Investment U - Sep 06, 2015

Last week we looked at the largest percentage losses in the Dow since 1965. We learned that the months August through November saw the highest concentration of single-day losses of 3% or higher. In...

Hope And Regret: An Investor's Worst Enemies By Investment U - Aug 31, 2015

There are no two ways about it - last week was a trying one. Sectors were crushed. Oil slipped below $38 a barrel. Individual stocks broke 52-week lows... then yo-yoed to new highs. At Investment U,...

Why Monday’s Mayhem Was No Surprise By Investment U - Aug 30, 2015

After a week of steady declines, investors woke up Monday morning to a huge sell-off as both the S&P 500 and Dow dropped hugely in the early minutes of trading. The Dow plummeted nearly 4% before...

A Perfect Buying Opportunity In Biotech By Investment U - Aug 23, 2015

If you’ve held a position in the biotech sector over the last few years, it may have felt like you were on a roller coaster. Fortunately, this is one coaster that’s well worth the...

The Final Nail In The Interest Rate Coffin? By Investment U - Aug 17, 2015

Did China just put the last nail in the interest rate coffin? Did its move last week erase the idea that interest rates will ever return to “normal” in our lifetimes?I have no doubt Janet...

Widespread Solar Power Is No Longer A Pipe Dream By Investment U - Aug 16, 2015

Great news for alternative energy enthusiasts... Powering your home with solar is no longer a futuristic pipe dream. In fact, it’s getting easier - and cheaper - every day. I’ll...

What Heavy Machinery Sales Say About The Global Economy By Investment U - Aug 09, 2015

Forget about a recession. Right now, we’re in a full-blown global depression. At least, we are if heavy machinery sales are any indication. I’ll explain... As you can see in this...

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