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Sure Dividend's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Sure Dividend, including current material.
Wal-Mart’s Recent Decline By Ben Reynolds - Oct 16, 2015

Wal-Mart (N:WMT) stock has declined more than 11% this week.The stocks decline is due to recent growth projections from Wal-Mart’s 22nd annual meeting for the investment community. With stock...

The Dividend Payback Period By Ben Reynolds - Oct 08, 2015

Imagine you bought a vending machine for $2,000. This vending machine made you profits of $100 a year, after all expenses. It would take 20 years to recoup your initial investment.The amount of time...

PepsiCo Releases Earnings: Time To Buy? By Ben Reynolds - Oct 07, 2015

PepsiCo (NYSE:PEP) released its third quarter results yesterday… How did it go?Here’s what CEO Indra Nooyi had to say: “We are pleased with our performance for the third quarter of...

DRIP Stocks: 15 No-Fee Dividend Aristocrats By Ben Reynolds - Sep 16, 2015

DRIP stands for Dividend ReInvestment Plan. This means that the dividends a company pays are used to purchase more shares in the company.DRIP investing basically converts a company’s dividends...

Indefinite Dividends By Ben Reynolds - Aug 10, 2015

You will see the words ‘long-run’ or ‘long-term’ often on Sure Dividend.It’s no secret, the Sure Dividend system advocates buying and holding for long periods of...

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