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The National Bank of Canada The National Bank of Canada

The National Bank of Canada's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by The National Bank of Canada, including current material.
North American Markets Calm, But Europe In Turmoil   By The National Bank of Canada - Oct 03, 2012

Last week was relatively calm in North America, but the same cannot be said of Europe. The people of Greece and Spain spent most of last week expressing their discontent with the current situations in...

After The S&P 500 Lost 1.2% Last Week, A Step Up By The National Bank of Canada - Oct 03, 2012

After a difficult spell for riskier assets last week–e.g., the S&P500 lost 1.2%–it appears that we are beginning this week on the right foot. European equities have rallied by a bit...

NBC Currency Outlook: October 2012   By The National Bank of Canada - Oct 02, 2012

Central bankers, the world’s best hope at a time of political inertia, have delivered in a big way. By agreeing to buy unlimited amounts of short-term sovereign bonds, the European Central Bank...

Canadian GDP Up 0.2% In July By The National Bank of Canada - Sep 30, 2012

FACTS: Real GDP rose 0.2% in July, after increasing 0.1% in June (revised down from 0.2%). The goods sector was up 0.2%, after remaining unchanged the month before. Among good producing sectors,...

Canada GDP Numbers To Be Released By The National Bank of Canada - Sep 28, 2012

After extremely disappointing U.S. GDP and Durable Goods Orders figures released yesterday, Canadian GDP numbers for July will be front and centre this morning. Annualized growth is expected to slow...

Consumer Confidence Index Jumps 9 Points To 70.3 In September By The National Bank of Canada - Sep 27, 2012

Good news stateside yesterday morning: The Consumer Confidence Index jumped 9 points to 70.3 in September. The score exceeded even the most optimistic analysts' expectations, which bodes well given...

Major News This Week   By The National Bank of Canada - Sep 25, 2012

Many central banks have recently injected funds into their respective economies in an attempt to stimulate stagnating recoveries. Naturally, these capital inflows have devaluated their respective...

Economic Indicators Review   By The National Bank of Canada - Sep 25, 2012

CanadaIn August, the consumer price index rose 0.2%. In seasonally adjusted terms, it was up 0.4%, with six of the eight broad categories seeing increases. Higher prices for shelter (+0.2%), food...

World: Stockpiling Could Hit Growth In 2012 H2 By The National Bank of Canada - Sep 25, 2012

Global industrial production (IP), which was flat in the second quarter of 2012 (the worst performance since the 2009 global recession), seems to have picked up speed in July based on latest CPB data....

After Sharp Increase, Oil Prices Decline By 7.3% By The National Bank of Canada - Sep 21, 2012

• After its 27.5% increase since the June 28 low, oil prices are down 7.3% compared to last Friday's closing price. Businesses that were waiting for the best time to implement a hedging strategy...

Home Price Inflation Decelerates To 4.1% In August By The National Bank of Canada - Sep 20, 2012

FACTS: On a y/y basis, the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price IndexTM rose 4.1% in August (top chart). Over the 11 metropolitan areas covered, 12-month price changes vary...

Weekly Economic Letter   By The National Bank of Canada - Sep 19, 2012

Canada – In July, the merchandise trade deficit did worse than expected by consensus (-C$1.5 billion), widening to -C$2.335 billion from a downwardly revised -C$1.9 billion the month before...

Major News This Week   By The National Bank of Canada - Sep 19, 2012

We were treated to some rather busy trading sessions last week. There was no shortage of economic news for investors to dissect. The two main news were the decision of the German constitutional court...

Daily Update By The National Bank of Canada - Sep 19, 2012

Most of the good news from the Fed and the ECB had already been anticipated by investors and this has led to profit taking on most asset classes. This setback stemmed from difficulties experienced by...

Has Toronto’s Real Estate Turned Into A Buyers’ Market? By The National Bank of Canada - Sep 19, 2012

Today, the Toronto Real Estate Board (TREB) reported that home sales in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) in the first 14 days of September were down 15% compared to the same period in 2011. New listings...

FOMC Launches Open-Ended Quantitative Easing Program (QE3) By The National Bank of Canada - Sep 16, 2012

As it turns out, the words "fairly soon" referring to the timing of further stimulus in last month's Fed minutes meant September the 13th. The Fed indeed delivered a double dose of extra monetary...

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