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Bonds Analysis & Opinion

CDS Flinch As Corporate Bonds Play Chicken With Equities By Bondsquawk - Sep 27, 2012

Several days ago, we talked about the Federal Reserve’s intent of improving financial conditions by way of balance sheet expansion and QE. Their recent policy action is generally supportive of...

Michael Ashton
Incredible Inflation Bond Bargain By Michael Ashton - Sep 25, 2012

The economic data continues to drip weaker. Yesterday’s Chicago Fed index was the lowest since 2009, and while the Dallas Fed index rose, it remains negative. These aren’t major...

David Merkel
The Dilemma Of Adding Yield By David Merkel - Sep 21, 2012

Back when I was exclusively a bond manager, 2001-2003, which I chronicled in my series The Education of a Corporate Bond Manager, I successfully struggled with one concept: when do you try to add more...

Portfolio Cafe
Unsuspecting Bond Investors Could Be Set Up For A Shock By Portfolio Cafe - Sep 20, 2012

The folks over at Elliot Wave International caught my attention yesterday with a recently published article on the growing risks for bond investors. In our own work, I have warned investors that it...

Michael Ashton
TIPS Are No Longer Cheap, But Still Preferable By Michael Ashton - Sep 19, 2012

TIPS have gone from being rich on an absolute basis, but cheap against nominal bonds, to (still) rich on an absolute basis, but fair versus nominal bonds as nominal yields have risen. That statement...

Technicals On Treasuries: Higher Yields Seen By Bondsquawk - Sep 18, 2012

With the recent sell off in the U.S. Treasury 10-Year fueled by the Federal Reserve’s expansion of its balance sheet and the subsequent rally in equities, support has held at 1.89%. While bond...

Global Macro: The Search For Yield By  - Sep 17, 2012

For weeks markets have been oscillating within the constraints of central-bank action versus lack thereof. We have finally reached the decision threshold and central banks acted in accordance with...

Will Elections Have An Effect On Municipal Supply? By Bondsquawk - Sep 17, 2012

Municipal bond supply has been low for 2012 and will continue to be low as we head into year end. Supply is projected to fall just short of 200 billion this year which is significantly lower than the...

Sober Look
Investors Fight Over "B+" Bonds At 5.75% By Sober Look - Sep 16, 2012

As an example of how frothy fixed income markets have become, Reynolds did a $3.25 billion HY issuance today. They repaid a great deal of existing debt, but also took half a billion of cash for...

10-Year Finds Support On Inflation Fear By Bondsquawk - Sep 14, 2012

On the heels of the Federal Reserve's announcement to purchase mortgage-backed securities in an effort to stimulate the economy, U.S. Treasury rates had a roller-coaster ride on Thursday. Interest...

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