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Bonds Analysis & Opinion

Chris Kimble
Will Bonds Blast Off As They Did In 2000 And 2007? By Chris Kimble - Feb 24, 2018

One of Mark Twain’s famous quotes is “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” It’s very easy to find people saying the death of the 25-year bond market has...

Jill Mislinski
Treasury Yields: A Long-Term Perspective By Jill Mislinski - Feb 21, 2018

Let's have a look at a long-term perspective on Treasury yields as of Friday's close. The chart below shows the 10-Year Constant Maturity yield since 1962 along with the Federal Funds Rate (FFR) and...

Callum Thomas
Is There A Seasonality Effect In The Bond Market? By Callum Thomas - Feb 21, 2018

Most investors are fairly familiar with the concept of seasonality in the stock market, with aphorisms such as "sell in May" baked into the market consciousness. But what about the bond market?...

Chris Kimble
Junk Bonds-Multi-Year Divergence Opportunity At Hand By Chris Kimble - Feb 15, 2018 1

Some times Junk bonds can give quality hints to the next short & long-term move in stocks. Junk bonds look to be sending both of those signals again. The next two charts share long and short-term...

David I. Kranzler
Why Even Pretend There’s A Debt Ceiling Limit? By David I. Kranzler - Feb 15, 2018

The current “debt ceiling” has been suspended until March 2019. The current amount of Treasury debt outstanding is $20.681 trillion, and it has been estimated it will be as high as $22...

Marc Chandler
Bears Very Short U.S. 10-Year Ahead Of CPI By Marc Chandler - Feb 14, 2018

The US reports January CPI figures later today. The market seems especially sensitive to it. The main narrative is that it is an inflation scare spurred by the jump in January average hourly earnings...

Gregory W. Harmon
Falling Bonds Near Bear Market By Gregory W. Harmon - Feb 13, 2018

Bond prices are falling. They have been falling since the middle of 2016. Their prices are now off almost 20%. Bond Kings Bill Gross and Jeff Gundlach are calling the end of the 30 year bull market...

Peter Brandt
Shorting 10-Year U.S. T-Notes By Peter Brandt - Feb 12, 2018

I have commented in recent Factor updates on the completed 6+ year, double-top on the monthly chart. In last week’s note, I scolded myself for not placing orders to short a retest of this top. I...

Chris Kimble
10-Year Note At Resistance By Chris Kimble - Feb 12, 2018

The chart above looks at the yield on the 10-year note (TNX) “Inverted.” The 10-year yield has remained inside of rising channel (1) for the past 25 years and rising channel (2) for the...

Jay Kaeppel
1 More “Ray of Hope” For Bonds By Jay Kaeppel - Feb 12, 2018

In this article titled “A Useful Inflation Indicator (and a Decent Bond Market Model)” – dated 12/14/2017 – I wrote about a simple model that, as the name implies, has a decent...

Ozal Talibli
US Long-Term Treasuries By Ozal Talibli - Feb 12, 2018

A couple of days ago we witnessed a sell-off in the stock market that drove yields down. Long-term US treasury holders had 5-15% gain, however now it seems like sell-off moved from stock to bond...

Zachary Storella
10-Year Note Speculators Raised Bearish Bets For 3rd Week By Zachary Storella - Feb 11, 2018

10-Year Note Non-Commercial Speculator Positions: Large bond speculators sharply added to their bearish net positions in the 10-Year Note futures markets this week, according to the latest Commitment...

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