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Pacific Park Financial Inc.'s Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Pacific Park Financial Inc., including current material.
Bond Yields Are Collapsing, What's Next? By Gary Gordon - Jul 18, 2019

Bond yields have been collapsing clear across the world. And if history is any guide, the rapid decline is a function of undeniable economic weakness.Consider the correlation between bond yields and...

Here’s What Will Cause The Next Recession By Gary Gordon - May 02, 2019

Financial professionals frequently opine that asset prices are a function of economic conditions. Assets like stocks, bonds and real estate rise in value when the economy is expanding. They fall in...

Gundlach Is Right About Junk Bonds And Stocks By Gary Gordon - Jan 16, 2019

Stock enthusiasts think the worst is behind us. Of course, they appear to be ignoring the fact that bear market rallies are quite common, and that the current upswing may just fit the bill.The average...

As Goes Apple, So Goes The U.S. Market By Gary Gordon - Nov 15, 2018

Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) has been one of my largest individual holdings for the bulk of the post-recession stock bull. I believed in it when it was trading for one-tenth of its current value back in 2009....

When Will S&P 500 Valuations Matter Again? By Gary Gordon - Aug 30, 2018

In the private markets, buyers and sellers care a great deal about valuation. For example, a financial advisory practice might fetch between 1 percent and 2 percent of assets under management. Or it...

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