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Is debt inherently bad? Probably not. After all, most homeowners require a mortgage to afford the “American dream.” Indeed, most folks believe that financing real estate is a venerable...
There was a time when hedge funds may have offered something unique in the way of performance. You may have been able to make a case for them alongside a mix of stocks and intermediate-term treasury...
Here are five big-league reasons to evaluate your current asset mix:1. Credit Fundamentals Are DeterioratingWhat do you remember about the financial crisis in 2008? Perhaps you think about a term like...
Are the new all-time highs in U.S. large cap stocks as big a deal as the media would have you believe? On a year-over-year basis, other asset classes have been more impressive.Bonds, via Vanguard...
According to Blackrock (NYSE:BLK), since the S&P 500 hit its October 2007 peak of 1565, it has produced a total return of approximately 60%. The market gains are three times the increase in the...
Five years ago, several European countries (e.g., Portugal, Italy, Greece, etc.) appeared as if they might default on their sovereign debt obligations. Gold prices spiked. The Japanese yen soared....
If you are fortunate enough to have $750,000 equity in a $1,000,000 home, and a fire ravages the property, what is your number one concern? The protection of the equity.Granted, you might be extremely...
If the price that one pays for an asset is “fair” or “reasonable,” then one should not doubt having made the transaction. He/she might need to reevaluate whether the current...
What do China, Japan, India, England, Germany… heck, most of the significant economies around the globe, share in common? Bear-market declines in stock prices of 20% or more. Several ETFs...
Companies primarily generate revenue by selling goods and services. When their sales peak, and subsequently decline, stock prices tend to move lower. Will this time be different? Granted, public...
Cash on corporate balance sheets grew at a 1% pace to $1.84 billion in 2015. That’s a record level of dollars on the books. On the other hand, debt grew at a clip of nearly 14.8% to $6.6...
In a strong bull market, higher volatility stocks tend to outperform lower volatility stocks. The PowerShares S&P 500 High Beta (NYSE:SPHB):iShares USA Minimum Volatility (NYSE:USMV) price ratio...
Some analysts may dismiss 115 years of economic data. I do not. In particular, if one averages the results of four respected stock valuation methodologies, one finds that stocks are wildly expensive....
One of the signs that a stock market may be transitioning from a bull to a bear? Participants dismiss exorbitant valuations, cast aside disturbing shifts in technical trends, disregard economic...
For those who have paid attention, the last actual bond purchase by the Federal Reserve occurred on December 18, 2014. Why does the date matter? For one thing, research demonstrated that the expansion...
For a number of real estate speculators, financial leverage is a path to riches. Why buy one property with $500,000 when you can buy five properties with $100,000 down on each? After all, the...
Some facts are more interesting than others. For example, Liz Ann Sonders, chief investment strategist and perma-bull at Charles Schwab, recently acknowledged that: “…there has not been a...