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The Bank of Japan at its October 30–31 Monetary Policy Committee meeting kept its policy unchanged while indicating it was willing to lower interest rates further into negative territory from...
Following the FOMC’s announcement of its third consecutive rate cut after its meeting this week, speculation immediately broke out among market participants about whether additional cuts or even...
The latest federal deficit numbers show the Trump budget implementation running about $1 trillion annualized. Here’s the link to a PDF that contains details and projections by the Congressional...
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York announced on Friday, Oct. 4 that it would continue to offer a maximum of $75 billion in overnight repurchase agreements and at the same time offer a series of term...
The latest September data for the eurozone economy from IHS Markit present a deteriorating picture, with the demand for goods and services falling at its fastest rate in over six years and a deepening...
With just nine market days remaining in the third quarter, international equity markets (those outside the US) are coming to the close of another quarter of high volatility.Market volatility continues...
Volatility and uncertainty characterized the third quarter of 2019. For the first two months the markets were buffeted by China trade war effects and threats, geopolitical uncertainty (Iran, North...
The past couple of weeks have been breathtaking for bond investors and observers of the bond market. The yield on the 30-year Treasury bond is now at a record low—it dipped under 2% this...
Argentina’s primary election on Sunday, August 11, surprised everyone and shocked markets as the current president, Mauricio Macri, was defeated by 15.6 percentage points by the left-wing...
Congressional hearings this past week were the first of what are likely to be a number of investigations into Facebook's (NASDAQ:FB) proposed Libra cryptocurrency and associated Calibra wallet. The...
Ohio State’s Woody Hayes used to say that his problem with the forward pass was that “Three things can happen, and two of them are bad.” Well, after Chairman Powell’s testimony...
Just days after U.S. President Trump announced a ceasefire and resumption of trade negotiations with China, the U.S. Trade Representative proposed new tariffs on 89 European Union (EU) goods worth $4...
In the commentary leading up to the June meeting, I argued that some relaxation of the tariff issues with Mexico, combined with relatively good data for the US economy, would make the FOMC’s...
In the next-to-last week of the second quarter, the factors that have led to high volatility in the global equity markets during the quarter are still present. Foremost among these are the...
Market volatility in Q2 of 2019 was driven by three distinct elements: (1) trade war and tariffs with China, on and off with Mexico, deferred temporarily with Europe, and festering with others; (2)...
The bond market is currently a puzzle derived from an enigma influenced by an anomaly. Or is it? Here are some bullets.1. Riskless overnight US government cash equivalents yield more than 2- or 5- or...
Assessing the impact of the series of US tariff changes in 2018 and 2019 is difficult. The tariffs have been revised and updated over time. Indeed, MarketsInsider lists about 27 tariff-related events...