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Cumberland Advisors Cumberland Advisors

Cumberland Advisors's Opinion & Analysis.
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LIBOR’s Message By David Kotok - Dec 09, 2016

Early every morning at Cumberland an email is sent around to all folks in the firm who touch portfolios. LIBOR rates are part of the dataset.An estimated $150 trillion worldwide is US-dollar-based...

Europe: Mourning And Markets By David Kotok - Dec 06, 2016

“Unsustainable things continue until they stop.” That is how Herb Stein answered Richard Nixon when Nixon asked about economic timing.The financial and economic construction of the EU and...

Can Italy Be Saved? By Bill Witherell - Dec 05, 2016

On Sunday, Italian voters rejected by a wide margin a constitutional reform put forward by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. The result plunges Italy into a likely period of extended uncertainty and...

Rising Stocks, Rising Volatility By Cumberland Advisors - Nov 29, 2016

The US stock market has gained over 3% this month thanks to the presidential election. The continuing all-time high records in the equity market have pressed the VIX Index down to a level close to...

Politics And Market Volatility By David Kotok - Nov 28, 2016

At the conclusion of our Thanksgiving Week missive we noted that "over half" of those arrested during five nights of post Trump victory demonstrations in Portland, Oregon, had not voted in the...

Trump, Lincoln, Churchill, Hegel, Gundlach By David Kotok - Nov 22, 2016

Speculation and diverse economic and market forecasts abound on the heels of the Trump win and Republican Senate and House victories. We won’t waste time repeating them here, save for one that...

Politics, Cycles And Mean Reversion By David Kotok - Nov 15, 2016

When the time comes and the evening darkness provides some cover, the infant turtles start their scramble up from the sand nest. The wiggling mass of 70–100 hatchlings causes the sand to...

The Day After In Bondland By John Mousseau - Nov 10, 2016

“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved” – William Jennings Bryan, 1899 (Democratic candidate...

Markets, Fed And The Election By David Kotok - Nov 07, 2016

I was honored to participate this past week in discussions on the Fed, markets, and politics. The rationale for our views at Cumberland is argued here.An Overview• The market now anticipates a...

Close Of The Baseball Season Ruminations By John Mousseau - Nov 06, 2016

The Chicago Cubs erased 108 years of excruciating losses with an exciting 8-7 win over the Cleveland Indians in Game 7 of the 2016 World Series on Wednesday night. Hats off to the Cubs, who erased a...

Interest Rates And William Safire By David Kotok - Nov 01, 2016

The money market fund rules change came and went (Rule 2a7 effective on October 14). We now have government funds yielding short-maturity T-bill rates and prime funds yielding more from their holdings...

Debt, GDP, Interest-Rate Shock By David Kotok - Oct 25, 2016

Business Insider has compiled a colorful depiction of the largest debtor countries in the world.Does debt to GDP mean anything? The answer is maybe. And perhaps the second part of that answer is that...

The Specter Of A Hard Brexit By Bill Witherell - Oct 12, 2016

The decline in the British pound sterling that began in June when the UK voted to leave the European Union (EU) accelerated last week, culminating in a “flash crash” on Friday October 7...

How To Trade The U.S. Presidential Election By Cumberland Advisors - Oct 05, 2016

Markets dislike uncertainty. However, October is historically a volatile month, with the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) averaging 22.26 in the past decade. In addition, the US presidential election is...

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