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Note from dshort: With Friday's market selloff, I thought it would be appropriate to review our snapshot of Treasury yields.The Fed's latest strategy for managing the economy, Operation Twist, has...
According to recent research done at the IMF, a stable investor base is particularly important when it comes to containing the volatility inherent to the bond market. Institutional investors -- such...
In a zero-interest-rate world, high-yield bonds are one of the last places of refuge for investors looking to earn a decent return on their capital. Today, the average yield on the Barclays High...
The center of our global financial crisis squarely rests upon the Euro-zone in general and a number of peripheral sovereign states specifically. The movement in spreads within this market are often...
The 30 year / 2 year Treasury yield curve has been on a steady march higher since 2007. This makes sense since that was the year things started falling apart in inflated, debt saturated developed...
The financial media has had a field day with the recent story about the so called "London Whale". Apparently a trader out of JPMorgan's office of the CIO has been a seller of the Investment Grade (IG)...
PIMCO founder and co-CIO Bill Gross spoke with Bloomberg Television's Margaret Brennan today, telling Bloomberg TV that the Fed will likely shift focus to mortgage securities to keep borrowing rates...
Bloomberg: “There’s a moral hazard element to this,” Ken Wattret, chief European economist at BNP Paribas SA in London, said in a telephone interview. “The ECB is clearly...
The chart below overlays this year's High Yield bond issuance on top of last year's. This is the picture that bankers are showing their corporate clients. They are telling them your opportunity is now...
The Greek PSI (new) bonds are now actively quoted. Prices vary with maturities - roughly between €17 and €25 (17 to 25 cents on the euro). Here are the latest mid quotes by maturity.Using...
With the S&P up 30% from the inception of Operation Twist, there’s little question that this piece of monetary policy has successfully steered investors toward risk and something that might...
We've all been closely watching ZB to make a push back to about 139 or so. It's getting there - - perhaps two or three more trading days will do the job. At the same time, the bearish ETFs such as TMV...
The percentage of Greek debt held by public institutions as opposed to private investors has grown dramatically in recent years. In some ways this is similar to the US after 2008, with various...