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A Bad Omen For Oil Stocks? By Karim Rahemtulla - Oct 26, 2014

U.S. oil and natural gas rig counts just dropped for the second time since August.Why is that significant? A drop in the number of rigs is usually an indication that the companies doing the...

It's On: LNG Vs. Oil By Karim Rahemtulla - Oct 24, 2014

Imagine yourself in Australia or Qatar, two of the top liquid natural gas (LNG) exporters in the world. You’re living it up, selling LNG to energy-strapped Japan for $15 per million British...

4 Severely Flawed Portfolios By Alan Gula - Oct 23, 2014

If you can predict the future with certainty, then stop reading. This article isn’t for you.But if you’re simply human, like the rest of us, you shouldn’t construct your portfolio as...

TIPS Are Unloved And Under-Owned By Alan Gula - Oct 20, 2014

Let me ask you a personal question…Do you use protection? Because based on the recent, wild action in the markets, it seems as though many people have been practicing unsafe investing. Across...

Will Oil Drag Down U.S. The Economy? By Karim Rahemtulla - Oct 17, 2014

Oil prices dropped by more than 15% this year. And gasoline has broken $3 per gallon in some states.Good news, right? Not if you like having a job… The country’s economic recovery is...

A Low-Volume Fund For Volatility By Alan Gula - Oct 17, 2014

As human beings, sleep is one of our most basic requirements.Not only does sleep help us stay alert and attentive during the day, but it also plays a vital role in memory formation. Chronic sleep loss...

Cheap Preferred Fund Perfect For Low Rates By Alan Gula - Oct 13, 2014

Retirees and near-retirees pleading for higher interest rates received some bad news on Wednesday when the Fed released its September FOMC meeting minutes.Markets learned that the Fed is becoming...

Mezzanine Finance: A Way To Invest In Growing Companies By Wall Street Daily - Oct 12, 2014

In a bull market, it’s attractive to invest in growing companies, as they can provide higher returns than larger companies – albeit with greater risk. However, private investors tend to...

Fear And Coal Bonds Can Work By Alan Gula - Oct 09, 2014

As long as there’s been debt, a way to resolve unpayable debt has needed to exist.A passage from Deuteronomy in the Bible talks about creditors canceling debts every seven years. Throughout 19th...

Is Your Gold Real? By Karim Rahemtulla - Oct 03, 2014

In our increasingly virtual world, the idea of “ownership” is developing a new meaning.We spend thousands of dollars on books, music, and apps that we can never actually touch. And a...

Peak Gold: Nightmare Or Reality? By Wall Street Daily - Oct 02, 2014

Despite the price of gold erasing its 2014 gains, one gold expert is predicting an event that will permanently change the market for this commodity… peak gold.The CEO of Goldcorp (NYSE:GG),...

Avoid These High Yielders With Hidden Leverage By Alan Gula - Oct 01, 2014

If leverage is dangerous, then hidden leverage is a deadly, fire-breathing beast.In 2008, as the financial crisis unfolded, we learned that banks were masking their true leverage ratios by utilizing...

Will The Gold Plunge Continue? By Karim Rahemtulla - Sep 29, 2014

Turmoil in the Middle East, rebellion in Ukraine, an Ebola outbreak in West Africa, and massive quantitative easing. In the past, even a whiff of conflict or financial crisis would have sent gold...

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