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It’s located just miles away from some of the richest oil and gas fields in the world.Just off this country’s southern border, a 27-billion-barrel oil field is in production. And...
In April 1968, Sony Corp. (NYSE:SNE) released its ground-breaking Trinitron cathode ray tube television set. The prominent brand would go on to sell 280 million units. Even more revolutionary was the...
One of the biggest oil giants in the world may be going down…British Petroleum (BP (NYSE:BP)) has been run through the wringer ever since the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico...
One commodity in particular has been on a steep downward slope since the spring.But winter is coming faster than you think. A potential early freeze could cause a slow in production. And when prices...
No one can deny that fracking holds enormous potential…Experts estimate that this technique for harvesting Natural Gas from shale will add almost 50% to known recoverable natural gas...
During Apple’s (NASDAQ:AAPL) highly anticipated unveiling event last week, CEO Tim Cook predicted that the iPhone 6 would usher in the mother of all upgrade cycles. So far, so good…On...
Underneath Yellowstone National Park lies a dormant supervolcano.Based on evidence of past eruptions, it’s capable of burying Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and Colorado under several feet of volcanic...
China has a massive problem…In an effort to reduce pollution, the country is slowing its Crude Oil consumption and switching to Natural Gasinstead. But if the current trend holds, China...
Today’s market can be absolute hell for an income investor.Interest rates are nonexistent… Short-term bonds don’t yield a damn… Long-term bonds have a big price risk if rates...
According to the United Nations, the world needs to produce 60% more food by 2050 to avoid mass unrest.At that point, the global population is expected to reach a whopping nine billion...
A shock wave of epic proportions just hit the global energy sector.It involves a startling new development in China’s oil market that no one saw coming… Yet it promises to have a...
They say there’s safety in numbers. Indeed, most investors seem to believe as much. They continually exhibit herd behavior, swarming from one hot sector or stock to the next.However, following...
Vladimir Putin has a death grip around Europe’s neck, and he could deliver the final squeeze at any moment.As you likely know, Russia provides about one-third of all the fuel used by Europe,...
Warren Buffett is a hypocrite.At least, that’s the talking point about the famous billionaire since he announced his involvement in Burger King Worldwide’s (NYSE:BKW) proposed takeover of...
Canadian oil sands operations are facing some significant hurdles right now.Heck, even actor Leonardo DiCaprio is rallying against the industry for its impact on the environment. He recently visited...
If we needed any more proof that government-run industries are destined for disaster, just look at Mexico.To date, the country’s oil and gas sector has been under the control of the...
Copper is the undisputed king of industrial metals, particularly because its conductivity is ideal for most industrial uses.But when copper prices soar relative to other industrial metals – like...