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Dragonfly Capital Dragonfly Capital

Dragonfly Capital's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Dragonfly Capital, including current material.
The Indian Market Remains Rather Nifty By Gregory W. Harmon - Mar 20, 2015

The news the last 18 months has been littered with global financial debacles. The euro is collapsing, the yen too. China’s economy is being managed to a lower level and rates falling. The US had...

Utilities Trend Remains Higher By Gregory W. Harmon - Mar 17, 2015

Sometimes just knowing what direction things are moving is enough. You do not need to know all the bumps along the way, just if there is a boulder or disabled car in the road ahead of you that would...

Equity Markets Looking Vulnerable By Gregory W. Harmon - Mar 15, 2015

Last week’s review of the macro market indicators suggested, heading into the new week that the equity markets looked vulnerable.Elsewhere looked for Gold to continue lower while Crude Oil...

Crabs And Sharks In Gold's Chart By Gregory W. Harmon - Mar 11, 2015

Gold seems to have gone sailing in the ocean. Your first though might be that is a funny metaphor for the chop in the market. But Gold has been far from a choppy market in the short run. It may be...

Nothing Stinky About Rentech Nitrogen By Gregory W. Harmon - Mar 11, 2015

Fertilizer has a reputation of not smelling so pleasant. And that is not really a surprise made on what it is made of. But the price of fertilizer stock has not smelled so bad lately. In fact it looks...

Goldbugs: Buy Corn Instead By Gregory W. Harmon - Mar 10, 2015

Goldbugs are a serious crowd and rowdy at times. In fact I probably upset at least a dozen of them from the title alone. Let me dare to go further though. Gold has done nothing but move in a broad...

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