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We highlighted before the decline in capex by (predominantly Western) oil and gas companies. Take a look at this chart, which shows just how steep this drop is: The irony of the situation is this lack...
A month ago, on Apr. 27, we said au revoir to our Bitcoin holdings. After hanging on to our coins for years (we were bullish on bitcoin since 2014 and recommended it to clients at $450), we sold our...
Gold has remained a fundamental piece of culture among humans for thousands of years, although over time its uses have changed drastically. While it has held value to humans for millennia, its first...
I’ve been thinking that at some point in the future I want to buy the snot out of pot stocks.Did I say in the future? Let me explain by taking you back to the 2000’s. Remember the mid...
Something bullish appears to be developing in gold and we believe that it is indicative of the beginning of a breakdown in the confidence of government bond markets. Given the extremes to which...
This is a short summary of some interesting things that caught our beady eye this week. All of these have serious implications … otherwise I’d not consider them, but this is simply a...
Nobody has made the case for unpredictability of complex systems or examined the risks of using past events to predict future ones better than author Nassim Taleb.But perhaps no one has felt this...
Take a look at the volume of stocks listed vs. indexes going all the way back to the days of bellbottoms, loud hair and orange wallpaper. Since 1995, the supply of stocks, particularly in the US, has...
How much money can you lose on any given day according to an entire squadron of dynamic variable factors?It’s called value at risk (VAR), and because every hedge fund, investment bank, prop...
Ok, this is getting a bit ridiculous.Ever since Americans picked the bully over the crook, and the Mexican Peso began acting like a penny stock just after the promoters begin dumping stock, I’ve...
As a teenager brimming with testosterone, my reptilian brain loved action movies.Top of my list were Steven Seagal movies. Clearly it wasn’t for his acting skills, which are only marginally...
The origins of the GFC are more or less understood. The American consumer, tipsy at first, increasingly drunk and finally blind drunk, began throwing up. The drink: debt.Enormous amounts of debt,...
I’m sitting here at my desk, laptop open, 7 browser tabs open, a half dozen documents open, emails popping in every few minutes, Skype messages coming in, and bunch of PDF reports open for...
As headlines flickered across a Bloomberg news feed this morning, I was struck by the plethora of slanted views. If it was anymore slanted it’d be vertical. A mishmash of sound bytes sans fact....
I love what I do! A recent get together filled with blonde stick insects and cologne covered chinos found me subjected to talk about “work at the office:” “What did you do at work...
Greece is connected to China by the same thing that has been connecting sex, drugs and rock’n’roll since Bretton Woods – dollars.Last week I shared some thoughts on the unintended...
Today I wanted to continue the discussion. A question posed by a reader prompted me to think about how to explain asymmetry in simple terms. Financial professionals, especially academics, have a...