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MrTopStep MrTopStep

MrTopStep's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by MrTopStep, including current material.
S&P New All-Time Highs, What Did You Expect? By Danny Riley - Jan 30, 2018 1

Index Futures Net Changes and Settlements:Foreign Markets, Fair Value and Volume:In Asia 5 out of 11 markets closed lower: Shanghai Comp -0.97%, Hang Seng -0.56%, Nikkei -0.01% In Europe 5 out of 12...

Bad Means Good #ES #Stocks By Danny Riley - Jan 28, 2018

Index Futures Net Changes and Settlements:Foreign Markets, Fair Value and Volume:In Asia 6 out of 11 markets closed higher: Shanghai Comp +0.30%, Hang Seng +1.53%, Nikkei % In Europe 12 out of 12...

ES 2855.50 #Reversal By Danny Riley - Jan 26, 2018

Index Futures Net Changes and Settlements:Foreign Markets, Fair Value and Volume:In Asia 8 out of 11 markets closed lower: Shanghai Comp -0.31%, Hang Seng -0.92%, Nikkei -1.13% In Europe 8 out of 12...

Dollar Cotton #USD By MrTopStep - Jan 25, 2018

We have always admired and respected any trader, analyst, cowboy or factor who is clear on his market call. Dozens of newsletters, press stories, speeches and whatever are more often larded up with...

S&P 500 Futures: Up 6 In A Row Or Up 3% By Danny Riley - Jan 11, 2018

Tuesdays trade started with most Asian markets closing higher, Japan’s Nikkei hitting a fresh 26-year closing high, and North Korea and South Korea agreeing to reduce tensions. The North will...

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