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Dragonfly Capital Dragonfly Capital

Dragonfly Capital's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Dragonfly Capital, including current material.
How Strong Is The Russell 2000? By Gregory W. Harmon - Nov 21, 2017 1

Last week I wrote about the potential strength in the Russell 2000. It was facing a test and could prove that it was still headed higher. Well it passed that test at the end of the week, holding over...

Russell Aced The Test By Gregory W. Harmon - Nov 19, 2017 1

It is the Friday before Thanksgiving and I am getting excited for the holiday season to begin. My kids are off from school all next week so today is their last day before the holiday. I sent off my...

A Test For Oil By Gregory W. Harmon - Nov 15, 2017

It is just a week ahead of Thanksgiving and here in my town the kids are off from school all next week. That means this week is full of tests. Students are not the only ones going through a test this...

Here's Why Gold Is Headed Higher By Gregory W. Harmon - Nov 10, 2017 5

Will gold keep rising?The short answer is because price says so. Gold had a good start to 2017. Rising from a low of about 1125 per ounce to over 1275 in the first two months, it started the year with...

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