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Contrarian Outlook Contrarian Outlook

Contrarian Outlook's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Contrarian Outlook, including current material.
Should You Favor Bonds Over Stocks? By Brett Owens - Aug 23, 2023

The 10-year Treasury yielded just 0.62%. Zero-point-six-two!Plop a million bucks into T-Bills, and we were collecting a mere $6,200 per year. Just over $500 per month. On a million! Investment grade...

3 Dividend Stocks Soaring as Market Corrects By Brett Owens - Aug 18, 2023

As contrarian investors, we have no desire to buy the stock market while it’s hot. We wait for it to cool off. And cooling off it is.Three weeks ago, I warned that NVIDIA Corp (NASDAQ:NVDA) was...

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