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Contrarian Outlook Contrarian Outlook

Contrarian Outlook's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Contrarian Outlook, including current material.
5 Stout Dividends Yielding Up to 25% By Brett Owens - Feb 10, 2023 1

Want to know the secret to retiring on dividends alone?Keep that capital intact. We invest to generate income. The more we have, the greater our potential payouts. So, losing the principle is a...

CEF's Return of Capital Explained By Michael Foster - Feb 02, 2023

We’ve been getting several questions from CEF investors in the last few weeks about the return of capital, or ROC.This is a measure that shows up regularly with CEF dividends—and it makes...

This Fund Pays 13% and We Dumped It. Why? By Brett Owens - Feb 01, 2023

A few weeks back, bond giant PIMCO trimmed a bunch of payouts from its closed-end funds (CEFs). Which was no bueno for income investors, who buy CEFs solely for their dividends.We don’t own any...

Our 2023 'Recession-Resistant' Game Plan By Brett Owens - Jan 24, 2023

Look, we’re probably going to see a recession in 2023. And if you’re like most folks, you’re wondering how to respond.Here’s the good news: overall I see a much better year...

5 Easy Steps to Retire Early on $500K By Brett Owens - Jan 18, 2023 2

$500K can be enough money to retire on. Even as early as age 50!The trick is to convert the pile of cash into cash flow that can pay the bills. I’m talking about $35,000 to $40,000 per year or...

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