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Here is a brief review of period-over-period change in short interest in the August 16-31 period in nine S&P 500 sectors.Materials Select Sector SPDR (NYSE:XLB)XLB (59.20) continues to go back and...
Stock markets in the Middle East continue to hold a modest edge over US equities in the year-to-date horse race for regional stock-market performances. The gap is closing, however, in favor of...
It’s a question I get from investors all the time (including subscribers to my CEF Insider service): how should I invest when interest rates rise?Because fear of rising rates is common among...
SummaryBrexit could be one of those random events that causes a recession. Ten years later, we still have no prosecutions for anything related to the financial crisis. The markets did nothing...
Those of you who watch me on tastytrade probably heard me mention my DUST short yesterday. Turns out it wasn’t a terrible idea. It’s down a lucky-sounding 7.77% at this very moment, thanks...
SPX Monitoring purposes; Monitoring purposes; Sold long SPX 9/7/18 at 2871.68=loss 1.03%: long 2901.52 on 8/31/18. Monitoring purposes Gold: Long VanEck Vectors Gold Miners (NYSE:GDX) at 18.72 on...
Even with the 10-year Treasury “rallying” of late, it still pays just 2.9%. Put a million bucks in T-Bills, and you’re banking $29,000 per year. Barely above poverty levels!Hence the...
No one has noticed it. Indeed, everyone in the US seems to be blissfully unaware. But the reality is that the massive bubble created between 2008 and 2018 is in the process of bursting.And the Fed was...
Even though trade tensions particularly between the US and China have heated up, small-caps – supposed beneficiaries of a trade war – have stalled of late. Medium term, downside risks are...
Selling weighed on all the main categories of global markets last week, based on a set of exchange-traded products. The biggest slide was posted in stocks in emerging markets.Vanguard FTSE Emerging...
SummaryOnce again, the markets are taking a more conservative/end of the cycle, performance orientation. Utilities and consumer staples are this week's leaders. I explain the "all seasons"...
Friday was carzy. First we had bonds and equities in a free-fall. Then we saw stocks explode higher because that’s the law. Then Presidnt Trump threw a live grenade into the markets with new...
For the first time in a while, equity bears may be looking at an opening. Bulls Wednesday defended nearest support on major US equity indices, but breach risks are rising.Kudos to the bulls who this...
Readers often ask me how to build a portfolio that holds its own in down times but hands them more income than the measly 2.6% long-term US Treasuries pay.So today I’ll show you how to do that....
SummaryMarkit's global PMIs remain mostly positive. Cracks are developing, however. The trade gap rose sharply; emerging markets with dollar-denominated external debt and declining currencies face...