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There has been a dramatic global change over the past few years as investors have sold stocks and bought bonds. The Financial Times recently announced that British pension funds are holding more bonds...
March Bunds hit the 145.88 target and halted exactly here as the bull run continues. A push through last week’s high today leads to the July highs at 146.26. Any shorts here need a stop above...
Investors look to bonds for the income they earn over time and because they are generally safe investments. Given today’s environment, bonds are an integral part of an investor’s...
I cannot get over Paul Krugman’s recent comment that as long as bond buyers keep buying US government debt, deficits do not matter.Krugman said on NPR Tuesday, “The idea we should be...
The long-term T bond could be a great short even if it remains within its secular uptrend (interest rates in a secular downtrend) because as the big picture monthly chart of the...
Earlier we talked about the short comings of funds and why investing in individual bonds makes better sense. A fund’s “one-size fits-all” approach can be convenient but may not be...