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Dent Research Dent Research

Dent Research's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Dent Research, including current material.
Two Ways Coronavirus Can Take The Market By Harry Dent - Mar 22, 2020

We’re now in week two of serious disruption as a result of the coronavirus, and the markets are in the middle of what’s looking like an extremely steep crash. Only 1987 can compare, and...

The Black Swan: Coronavirus By Harry Dent - Mar 10, 2020

Nothing like getting texted at dinner last night about how the Dow futures were down over 1,000 points. Then I get home and they’re at lockdown 1,300 points – down 5% for all three major,...

China: The Emperor Has No Clothes By Harry Dent - Mar 03, 2020

You know my position on China by now. It has over-expanded, urbanized to0 rapidly and, has excess capacity in everything from empty condos to cement factories. It is the epicenter of the greatest and...

Just A Corona Correction? By Harry Dent - Feb 27, 2020

The markets on crack have largely ignored the coronavirus, which obviously could be a potential game changer. And now they react, down 2,600 points on the Dow, as soon as it hits a “white...

The Fate Of Final Rallies By Harry Dent - Feb 20, 2020

I have been talking recently about how this final blow-off rally since the sharp 20%+ crash into late December 2018 is tracking very close to the one that occurred from late October 1998 into late...

Today’s Scary Investment Prediction By Harry Dent - Feb 06, 2020

I just saw an update of John Hussman’s infamous model that shows a very clear correlation between stock valuations, defined as stock prices over U.S. economic gross value-added, and 12-year...

Eyes On The Fed By Harry Dent - Jan 26, 2020

This week, I want to keep talking about the most important thing that’s been happening since mid-September of 2019: the way the Fed has had to step and combat the repo crisis, which came in...

The Great Stock Overvaluing By Harry Dent - Jan 14, 2020 1

In the past, I have shown that we were at the highs for key valuation indicators even though we were not for the current favorite: the Shiller CAPE P/E Ratio. That was 44 at the top in early 2000 and...

The First 5 Days By Harry Dent - Jan 03, 2020

It’s important to note that, historically, the first five days of market action are indicative of the direction we’ll take for the next 12 months. And already things have been somewhat...

The Fed’s Big Red Flag By Harry Dent - Dec 31, 2019 1

I knew this repo crisis would require more injections, but it wasn’t easy to get clear data on just how many it would take. I was trying to identify how much money has gone into propping up the...

Asia Dominates Next Four-Season Cycle By Harry Dent - Dec 26, 2019

On Monday, I talked about how global growth is slowing even with the leaders of the emerging world: first China, now India. But the flip side is that Asia will be the dominant leader for the next...

Housing Bubbles Are Bad For The Economy By Harry Dent - Dec 19, 2019 1

How can the same houses go up far faster than inflation for decades, and that possibly be good for an economy? It only benefits older people who bought earlier, and the affluent who buy the most...

The Great Boomer Real Estate Migration By Harry Dent - Dec 12, 2019

Years ago, I had to adjust my real estate model for di-ers, as homes last near forever and di-ers are forced sellers that can overwhelm and offset the younger peak buyers into age 42-43 in recent...

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