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Cumberland Advisors Cumberland Advisors

Cumberland Advisors's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Cumberland Advisors, including current material.
FOMC Minutes: Hope Is Not A Strategy By Bob Eisenbeis - Jul 16, 2014

The minutes of the most recent FOMC meeting, released last week, have gotten much attention. This is in part because of details the Committee provided regarding its discussions about framing the...

On Global Concern, Keep Your Cash Dry By David Kotok - Jul 09, 2014

We are back in Wyoming in pre-meeting conversations before the July 11 GIC conference. Concerns about the world are evident here. Serious discussions are occurring about geopolitical risk implications...

Happy 4th: Cash Reserve In Place — Why? By David Kotok - Jul 02, 2014

We thank readers for their comments on our second-quarter market discussion. We also thank readers for the kind words extended to my colleagues and me at Cumberland Advisors for our recognition as one...

Puerto Rico Gets The Cold Shoulder By David Kotok - Jun 30, 2014

Last week was a difficult one for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. On Wednesday and Thursday, the governor and legislature passed a law creating a statutory framework for the Commonwealth’s...

Abe Refines And Aims “Third Arrow” By David Kotok - Jun 23, 2014

Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has updated the “third arrow” of his economic policy, a wide-ranging package of economic reforms aimed at lifting the growth of Japan’s economy. His...

Taxable Fixed Income, Q2 Review By David Kotok - Jun 23, 2014

After a positive first quarter, taxable fixed-income markets enjoyed an encore favorable performance for the second quarter. U.S. and global economic data, geopolitical unrest between Russia and the...

Muni Market 2014 Halftime Show By David Kotok - Jun 18, 2014

The municipal bond market continued to roar ahead in the second quarter with long tax-free yields continuing their decline in April and May before rising slightly in June. Many of the same factors...

Oil: Tom Keene’s Question By David Kotok - Jun 17, 2014

“Why is the oil price not rising more?” asked Tom Keene during his interviews on this morning’s Bloomberg Surveillance. Our answer: we are witnessing the early, still-evolving stage...

Oil: Tom Keene’s Question By David Kotok - Jun 17, 2014

“Why is the oil price not rising more?” asked Tom Keene during his interviews on this morning’s Bloomberg Surveillance. Our answer: we are witnessing the early, still-evolving stage...

Cutting Asparagus And Market Warning Signs By David Kotok - Jun 12, 2014

Now what? Maybe it’s time to cut some of the asparagus?Stocks have reached levels that carry warning signs. They are at historical peaks relative to GDP, with the only exception being the tech...

The ECB And The Hesitant Eurozone Recovery By David Kotok - Jun 05, 2014

The European Central Bank (ECB) followed through with the central bank’s Resident Mario Draghi’s promise last month that the Bank would act decisively at their June meeting to counter the...

What Happened To The Muni Meltdown? By David Kotok - May 19, 2014

The last few weeks have seen a very decent drop in intermediate- and longer-term tax-free bond yields. This year’s stable muni market is very different from that of a year ago, when the great...

Ten Year Treasury Note Currently At 2.5% By David Kotok - May 18, 2014

The 10-year benchmark US Treasury yield is now 2.5%. That's right – one can loan money to the United States in a riskless transaction, earn 2.5% interest, and be paid back in 10 years. The...

Labor Slack And Inflation By David Kotok - May 15, 2014

A reporter called last week seeking views on labor market conditions, labor slack, and the Fed’s view on labor markets generally, given Chair Yellen’s recent congressional testimony. Here...

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