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Today I’m going to show you how to grab two growing income streams—in just one buy. Plus, we’re going to bank double-digit price profits to boot.The strategy? Simple: we’re...
With coronavirus spreading and China’s economy being shut off from the rest of the world, you’re right to ask one (or both) of the following questions:Is this rally justifiable? Is it...
The blue-chip corporations that make up the Dividend Aristocrats are a tribute to the power of dividends. They have raised their payouts for 25 straight years or more and, most importantly, made many...
If you’re like most income investors, you stop in your tracks when you spot a massive payout—like 16% or more. A yield like that means you’re doubling the market’s historical...
A financial friend of mine, an income-focused money manager, called me to brag about one of his clients. He’s used his CIR subscription to smartly help her turn a modest $387,000 nest egg into...
I’m annoyed with this bubbly stock market. It’s making it nearly impossible for regular people to find decent dividends.Sure, we’ll always take upside, and despite overdone drops due...
It’s a tired piece of “wisdom” you hear from personal-finance gurus over and over: you need to invest in low-cost, passive index funds to get the highest return.Too bad it’s...
If you’re an income investor like me, these stock market all-time highs are pure misery. Fortunately, I have a fix, which I’ll explain in a moment.High stock prices mean low yields for new...
You’ve probably heard that less than half of active funds beat their index, and a low-cost index fund is your best bet for long-term investing.Well, today I want to show you why that is 100%...
Until a flu-like virus emerged halfway around the world, it’s been three peaceful months since we’d seen a “1% up or down day” in stocks. As usual, the volatility inspired...
I’m sure you’ve noticed stocks whipsawing in the past week on fears of the spreading coronavirus. We’ll talk income investment strategy shortly, with a specific focus on safe...
There’s a dangerous myth going around: that stocks are in a bubble, and if you buy now, you’ll lose money.This myth is dangerous because it is discouraging people from putting money in one...
The stock market is driven by greed and fear. And when the latter takes full control of the wheel, as is the case right now, value-minded income investors need to stay sharp.It’s been more than...
Let’s be honest: our lives would be much easier if we could just buy the typical S&P 500 stock, get the 7%+ dividends we need for retirement, and call it a day. Trouble is, the popular kids...
One of the weirdest trends over the last year has gone largely unreported. Despite stocks surging 30% in a year, investors are still selling stocks more than they’re buying.It’s hard to...
The latest trade-war hype has served up a terrific opportunity for us to bag 6%+ dividends (and upside) in closed-end funds (CEFs).Today I’m going to show you exactly where to look (hint:...
Will this bull market actually die of old age this year?The macro picture is dicey and stock valuations are pricey, but we must stay invested. The stock market goes up about two-thirds of the time....