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Far too many investors ignore dividends, especially in a bull market. It’s easy to see why: with stocks racking up yearly double-digit gains, it’s tough to get worked up about a sub-2%...
Is the bottom in?Or is the market merely “sniffing glue” (as one of my friendly financial advisors aptly put it to me)? No matter where you are currently handicapping the market, we have a...
Right now, most investors I hear from want three things in a dividend stock:Low volatility. A worry-free income stream to draw on during this crisis. Market-beating gains in the long run. Sounds like...
When it comes to protecting—and growing—your dividends (and portfolio) in these trying times, there are two sectors you should watch like a hawk: technology and energy.Both are standouts...
Right now, thousands of Americans are making a mistake that threatens to lock in the losses they’ve suffered in this downturn.Worse, these folks will be stuck on the sidelines in the rebound,...
A friend of 30+ years gave me a ring last Friday afternoon to check in on the family. Unfortunately for him, I popped back with a little more “real life” than he was ready for!Other than...
I know it’s hard not to worry about your portfolio, and income stream, these days, but we will make our way through this crisis. When we do, your holdings will bounce back—and likely...
Has the market bottomed, or are we headed for another leg down before we can start to even think about any upside? It’s a debate that will be with us for a while yet.But maybe not in every...
Successful dividend investing can actually be pretty simple. Don’t trade for years, perhaps for a full decade, and then buy super high-quality dividend stocks at bargain basement prices.One set...
These days, we’re hearing a lot of pundits pontificating about which way the markets will go. But let me suggest something none of them are talking about:What if stocks trade more or less flat...
I hope you are taking care of yourself, and your family. This is a good time to hunker down, both in life and in our investing strategy. Brighter days are ahead—let’s make sure we get...
In recent weeks, we’ve discussed proven strategies for protecting and growing our nest egg (and dividends) in this crisis. These are the times when fortunes are made and big income streams are...
There’s no doubt portfolios everywhere are whipsawing due to the selloff.But I’ve got good news for you: going by the historical record, this pullback will likely be shorter than most...
There’s one investment you simply must not hold in this market crash—a highly speculative, high-yielding instrument called an exchange traded note (ETN).Does the name sound familiar?...
1929, 2008 and, now, 2020.We’ve only seen this level of “selling pressure” three times since 1900. A limited sample size, sure, but we’re in ominous company. Anything and...
Nearly every retirement portfolio on the planet is reeling from the coronavirus fallout. Recoveries are going to vary widely, however, depending on the safety of the dividends in each basket.If your...
Markets have freaked out over the coronavirus—but there’s good reason to believe they have overreacted.There’s another reason we need to talk about today: corporate earnings. While...