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A trio of reliable monthly dividend payers has been swept up in the pandemic panic. They could be the dirt-cheap buys that have dividend investors kicking themselves this time next year for not...
Last Thursday was the sixth-worst day on record for the S&P 500 (according to information from Nasdaq Dorsey Wright). Was. It’s already down to seventh place (yikes).On Monday, it was...
Beware of Wall Street “wisdom” now more than ever. Especially when it comes to the most commonly quoted maxim for retirement: it’s based on a rule that was never designed for times...
Let’s set aside the noise and talk about the one thing that matters most in a volatile market like this: earnings.According to recent FactSet data, analysts expect negative earnings growth in...
The stock market is in a full-blown panic, which means it’s time for us contrarian income seekers to go shopping.Few firms have been spared from the “flash-bear” we are experiencing....
We named our income investing website Contrarian Outlook for times like these. When the rest of the world is selling everything, we are sorting through their hastily discarded dividend bargains.Sales...
I don’t know why you’d try to cobble together an income stream with miserly ETFs when, thanks to this selloff, we’ve got a huge sale on closed-end funds (CEFs) throwing off...
When the market is selling off, it’s easy to panic as big losses rack up in your account.Here’s the thing, though: going to cash, and fully exposing yourself to inflation, is a guaranteed...
Let’s be honest: it’s hard not to be rattled by last week’s double-digit drop in the S&P 500. And it’s true that if the coronavirus continues to spread, we could see more...
Have four months of “dead money” ever caused this much drama?Let’s put last week’s pullback in perspective. As uncomfortable as it may have been for investors who watch the...
Should we use this dip to load up on dividend stocks?It is always a good time to put high quality payers in our portfolio. Especially now, when their yields are noticeably higher than they were this...
Flipping through my stock screener earlier this week, I ran across two of the best examples of bubbles-in-the-making I’ve ever seen:Looking to Lose Money? Invest Here. Those would be...
If you own any real estate investment trusts (REITs), make sure you forward this article along to your tax advisor!Historically, REIT distributions have been considered nonqualified dividends by the...
At my Contrarian Income Report service, we hunt down huge dividends on the regular. Right now, our portfolio is knocking out a 6.9% average payout from 16 real estate investment trusts (REITs), stocks...
A proven recession indicator just went off again—only nine months after its last warning. And how have the markets and the media responded?Crickets. The funny thing is that this isn’t a...
There’s a way you can buy into today’s healthy real estate market without paying full price. In fact, you can get in for a lot less—I’m talking 16% below market value.This may...
“Efficient market” believers are adorable, but they are also wrong. It is possible to make 15% to 19% per year, every year, from perfectly safe dividend stocks.In a moment, I’ll...