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Markets are betting on the federal government pumping $908 billion in stimulus into the economy. If that cash wave rolls out, it’ll boost the group of funds I want to talk to you about today....
With 2020 coming to a (merciful) close, it’s a good time to take a moment to cast an eye over our dividend portfolios.One thing to pay particular attention to: the amount of cash you’re...
The mainstream crowd has gotten way too greedy—which means we could be in the teeth of a stock-market selloff within weeks.Most folks hear the word “selloff” and gasp. But not us...
What exactly are we to do in this levitating market? Buy more? Pull back? Do nothing?I get why most folks are uneasy these days—they’re seeing the stock market, and particularly tech...
That’s been the subject of several financial headlines lately. The authors are suggesting that the traditional mix of 60% large-cap stocks and 40% safe bonds won’t generate enough money...
With stocks breaking to all-time highs, we should emphasize security of the dividends we’re purchasing first and foremost. In previous months, it was a good time to be greedy. Now, with other...
There’s no doubt in my mind: five years from now we’ll look back at this time and say it was a golden opportunity to buy dividend stocks.Those who bought in will be sitting on big gains...
Mortgage payments. Car payments. Cell-phone bills. Power bills. Water bills. Credit card bills.Yuck. They’re the only downside to being retired! These bills show up (or debit our accounts) every...
Something shocking just happened: Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin cut off a $454-billion program the Federal Reserve uses to keep the bond market running.A disaster, right? You’d think so....
Our beat here at Contrarian Outlook is dividends. We seek to collect them using proven income strategies.Dividend stock investing isn’t easy, even though it looks so on the surface. (Find a high...
One of the most powerful stock-market indicators you’ll ever find is a simple one I call “relative strength.”It means that stocks that outperform now will likely keep outperforming....
Stocks are up—and so are coronavirus cases. And right on cue, I’m hearing from plenty of investors asking if now is the time to sell and lock in their gains.No way. It’s actually a...
As we prepare to say farewell (or, good riddance!) to 2020, let’s beat the investing herd and figure out how we can really rake in some cash in 2021. And, in doing so, put this dumpster fire of...
2020 has turned on a dime, and we dividend investors need to pounce now to set ourselves up for the big dividends and fast upside in 2021.With a (mostly) settled presidential election and a vaccine...
If there’s one thing you can be sure of in investing, it’s this: alarmists—whether they’re bulls or bears—almost never get it right. And playing the contrarian angle is a...
Since we last connected last Wednesday, we’ve had a few notable events happen (to say the least!)First, former vice president Joseph Biden became president-elect Joe Biden. Depending on your...
Make no mistake: now is the time to buy dividend stocks. That’s because stocks tend to rally from Election Day to the end of the year—no matter which party wins.The important thing is that...