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An income-focused money manager friend of mine bragged to me about what he did for one of his clients.Namely, he’s used his Contrarian Income Report subscription to smartly help her turn a...
Don’t listen to the index-fund crowd: it is possible to beat the market year in and year out—and you can do it while grabbing big 7%+ dividends, too!There are three steps to pulling off...
Dividends are back. And here are 54 secure payouts that are due for a raise between now and March.The S&P yields a lousy 1.6% as I write. It’s sad to imagine a hefty million bucks in stocks...
Another year, another COVID relief package—$1.9 trillion worth this time. As the old saying goes, “A trillion here, a trillion there, and soon you’re starting to talk about real...
Long-term interest rates have awoken. The trend toward higher Treasury yields is likely just getting started, which makes 2021 an “inflection year” for us income investors.And what better...
Now that the Democrats control the House, Senate and the White House, you’re probably wondering what the new administration means for your tax bill—and your portfolio.There’s good...
If you’re like most investors, you’re tired of having the following two pieces of “wisdom” pounded into your head by the financial media:Any high yield (here I’m talking...
Let’s start 2021 with a proven strategy for grabbing two growing income streams in one buy. Plus, we’ll nicely set ourselves up to bank double-digit price gains to boot.The strategy?...
Let’s look at how we closed-end fund (CEF) investors can grab a healthy 6%+ dividend in this zero-rate world and dodge every retiree’s nightmare: that would be having your nest egg run out...
A reader recently wrote in to ask:Brett, if you could only invest in one ticker over the next year, what would it be? I’d buy a stock backed by three financial trends that are likely to gain...
2020 is finally in the books, and many REITs (real estate investment trusts) remain in the bargain bin. Is it time to buy these generous dividend payers and bet on a 2021 rebound?Savvy contrarians...
The disaster that was 2020 is finally out of our hair, though there could be one silver lining if you followed a contrarian investing approach in 2020: serious gains in your stock portfolio.But, of...
If you’re not yet as filthy rich as you hoped you’d be by now, don’t worry—we still have plenty of time to get you there.And I’m not talking about investing your...
Let’s relegate 2020 to the trash heap (where it belongs!) and look to the new year that dawns tomorrow. I’ve got three predictions I’m going to lay out for you now, and three...
Can we income seekers safely get back into REITs (real estate investment trusts) next year?With the yield on the S&P 500 about to drop to a sad 1.5% (thanks, Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) addition), renewed...
If you’re making buy decisions based on the daily gyrations of the S&P 500, you’re setting yourself up for big losses—and costing yourself a shot at big dividends, too.Why? For...
As contrarians, we know we need to buy when everyone’s selling. Because that’s when we get gains like this:Buying Into the March Crash Was Hard—But It Paid Off Of course, anyone who...