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Contrarian Outlook Contrarian Outlook

Contrarian Outlook's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Contrarian Outlook, including current material.
How To Front-Run Rising Rates By Brett Owens - Jan 19, 2021

Long-term interest rates have awoken. The trend toward higher Treasury yields is likely just getting started, which makes 2021 an “inflection year” for us income investors.And what better...

My Favorite Dividend Stock For 2021 By Brett Owens - Jan 06, 2021

A reader recently wrote in to ask:Brett, if you could only invest in one ticker over the next year, what would it be? I’d buy a stock backed by three financial trends that are likely to gain...

3 Big Dividends That Soared In 2020 By Michael Foster - Dec 17, 2020

I’ve been hearing from a lot of readers who are sitting on some nice gains this year—and now they’re wondering if it’s time to sell.Should you? As with so many other things in...

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