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BRUEGEL's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by BRUEGEL, including current material.
ASEAN Against The World: Strength In The Numbers By BRUEGEL - Jul 19, 2017

Corporate debt in emerging markets has long been perceived as a relevant risk for the global economy. In reality, this perception might be true for some large emerging economies, especially China, but...

The US Retail Crisis By BRUEGEL - Jul 17, 2017

What’s at stake: America is undergoing a retail sector crisis, partly related to the increase of competition from online commerce. We review recent contributions to this debate.The New York...

A Tangled Tale Of Bank Liquidation In Venice By BRUEGEL - Jun 26, 2017

What can we learn about the Italian banking sector from the decision to liquidate Veneto Banca and Banca Popolare Sondrio (MI:BPSI)? Silvia Merler sees a tendency for Italy to let politics outweigh...

The Size And Location Of Europe’s Defence Industry By BRUEGEL - Jun 22, 2017

There is growing debate about a common European military policy and defence spending. Such moves would have major economic implications. We look at the supply side and summarise some key facts about...

Pharmaceutical Industry At Risk From Brexit By BRUEGEL - May 31, 2017

Pharmaceuticals are a hugely important industry for the EU and the UK. The sector creates thousands of jobs, billions of euros in exports, and is Europe’s most research-intense industry. But...

UK Economic Performance Post-Brexit By BRUEGEL - May 15, 2017

What’s at stake: Almost a year after the UK voted to leave the European Union, its economic performance has showed mixed results. The risks of a Brexit-induced recession do not seem to be...

The Us And The Productivity Puzzle By BRUEGEL - May 08, 2017

What’s at stake: Productivity growth fell sharply following the global financial crisis and has remained sluggish since, inducing many to talk of a “productivity puzzle”. In the US,...

Who Would Bet On Currency Unions After EMU Crisis? By BRUEGEL - Mar 29, 2017

The European Monetary Union (EMU) was founded with the idea that nominal convergence would bring real convergence, but structural differences between members have proven wide enough to generate...

The Inflation Basket Case By BRUEGEL - Mar 17, 2017

Last week, the European Central Bank left interest rates and its quantitative easing program unchanged. The decision came as February’s inflation for the euro area reached 2% for the first time...

No Rebound In Sight, Rising Risks For Smaller Banks By BRUEGEL - Feb 06, 2017

China bank risk is on the rise. The unwavering focus by both markets and regulators – ranging from individual banks to financial system stability as a whole – reflects a sense of urgency...

Is Germany A Currency Manipulator? By BRUEGEL - Feb 06, 2017

Paul Krugman argues that Navarro is right and wrong at the same time. Germany in effect has an undervalued currency relative to what it would have without the euro, against its neighbors. This is the...

Will Trump Strategy Repatriate Highly Paid Jobs? By BRUEGEL - Jan 06, 2017

Incoming US president Donald Trump has been running on a political ticket to re-negotiate trade deals. He has been promising “fairer” deals that would reduce US trade deficits and preserve...

Brexit, The Pound And The UK Current Account By BRUEGEL - Oct 17, 2016

First, let’s start from an update on the expected cost. A paper by the UK Treasury that was leaked this week suggests that a hard Brexit may cost £66 billion a year. The Treasury estimates...

Is Europe Drifting Towards A Hard Brexit? By BRUEGEL - Oct 06, 2016

Theresa May's recently announced that she will trigger Article 50 no later than March 2017. Guntram Wolff debriefs May's speech and the implications for the future of EU-UK relations.Theresa May has...

The Apple Of Discord By BRUEGEL - Sep 12, 2016

What’s at stake: On August 30th, following the results of an in-depth state aid investigation started in 2014, the European Commission concluded that Ireland granted undue tax benefits of up to...

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