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Looking to add value stocks to your portfolio? Buying undervalued shares can pay off in the long-run. Today we'll take a closer look at value investing and an ETF to provide exposure:Value Vs....
Buyers made a return to markets before heading to the polls on Tuesday. There wasn't a whole lot of volume to yesterday's action but it was enough to mark the action of the previous few days as a...
Every four years a simple time frame defined by the date of the presidential election creates an Election Range in most markets, ETFs, sectors and individual stocks.This Election Range defines...
As the world eagerly awaits results for the U.S. Presidential election, there's yet another highly anticipated event: a breakthrough in the coronavirus vaccine.Positive news about an approved vaccine...
From a simple technical standpoint, we've seen a number of recent breakdowns in the SPDR S&P 500 (NYSE:SPY) related to Fibonacci Price Theory and Price Gap Theory. One of the most critical...
Happy US Election day everyone! The day we have all been waiting for is finally here and I have to tell you that traders seem very optimistic about the results. Actually, to be honest with you, I...
A day before the election carries a lot of emotion and confusion for investors.You can see this in the market movement yesterday, as the major indices did not align before the day’s close. The...
With less than 24 hours until the U.S. Presidential election begins, anticipation about the results, and the impact on the economy are in full focus.Last week's runup in volatility in U.S. equities is...
There are multiple reasons we could face a very tough holiday season.A second surge in COVID could tighten restrictions on brick and mortar businesses. Delayed financial aid can cause more business...
Risk-off dominated global market activity this week as investors dumped every slice of our standard lineup of the major asset classes as of Friday's close (Oct 30).You didn’t have to look hard...
While the third quarter ends on a highly volatile note in broader U.S. markets, today we turn our attention to exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in international markets, namely frontier markets and...
Welcome to the last trading day in October. Markets try to rebound today and this reversal attempt is not happening randomly, oh no. Todays’ bounce is happening on crucial long-term supports,...
The "Halloween Indicator" is a market timing strategy that suggests that stock market returns are higher in the winter months—November through April.The old stock market adage "Sell in May and...
It’s been tempting to think that the worst had passed. But health experts (at least the respectable ones) have been warning otherwise. Markets are deciding to take another look at the risks and...
2020 has become the year when the balance between portfolio risk and reward is increasingly important. Fund sponsors have started offering a wide range of actively-managed ETFs, including buffered...