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New Opportunity Emerges After Trump Trade Cools By Wall Street Daily - Apr 27, 2017

To say the financial markets are undergoing a fit would be an understatement.As you know, stocks soared in the three months that followed Donald Trump’s surprise victory. And the rally was led...

India’s $1.8 Trillion Gold Mine By Wall Street Daily - Apr 20, 2017

As longtime readers know, we love small caps here at Wall Street Daily — with good reason.During periods of economic expansion, small stocks often outperform blue chips by a wide margin. In...

The Truth Behind Poland’s Growth Surge By Wall Street Daily - Apr 19, 2017

Several media organizations blasted President Trump last week for his about-face regarding NATO.During his presidential campaign, Trump called NATO’s military presence...

Target Falls Victim To Amazon’s Unstoppable Ascent By Wall Street Daily - Apr 13, 2017

In what seems like a flash, the first quarter of 2017 is behind us.And the second earnings season of the year kicks off this week — the first of the Trump presidential era. So far, there’s...

Gamestop’s Earnings: End Of The Video-Game Boom? By Wall Street Daily - Apr 11, 2017

Investing is easy when you’re riding a hot industry.Heck, when every stock within a certain industry is going vertical — who could ever lose? One such sector is the video game...

Prepare For A Sudden Rebound In Oil Prices By Wall Street Daily - Apr 06, 2017

There’s no question that it’s been a tough time to be an oil investor.After hitting $112 in 2014, prices dropped to $26.21 in 2016 — a 76% decline. Then, after prices nearly doubled...

How To 'Amazon-Proof' Your Portfolio By Wall Street Daily - Apr 04, 2017

Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) shares just hit another all-time high.If you’re an original shareholder — congratulations on your 58,575% gain. But as historically impressive as Amazon’s rise...

Epic Divide In Consumer Sentiment By Wall Street Daily - Apr 03, 2017

Consumer confidence is booming in America.Well, let me clarify… A peek at the chart of the official Consumer Sentiment Index paints a picture of booming confidence. But charts can sometimes be...

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