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How To Invest In Smart Home Technology By Wall Street Daily - Jun 22, 2016

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve discussed the promises and perils of the Smart Home, as well as why this segment is on the cusp of breaking into the mainstream.Naturally, it’s time to...

How To Profit From Trump’s Blind Spot On Trade By Wall Street Daily - Jun 21, 2016

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are mostly wrong in their sharply negative trade outlooks – especially regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).Instead of altogether dismissing...

Long-Term Bonds Are A Huge Value Trap By Wall Street Daily - Jun 21, 2016

As income-oriented investors continue to scramble to find decent yields, many are being enticed towards long-term bonds.Don’t be one of them. While the yields are tempting enough, they’re...

As Bonds Yields Plummet, Dividends Are Cool Again By Wall Street Daily - Jun 20, 2016

If you go back in stock market history, you’ll find one item that always attracted the most successful investors – dividends.In recent years, however, most investors have forgotten about...

Traders Stand To Profit Big On Brexit By Wall Street Daily - Jun 17, 2016

In January, I predicted that 2016 would be the year of the trader, driven by heightened volatility.After falling more than 11% at the start of the year, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is now up 13%...

Today’s 5 Most Important Tech Charts By Louis Basenese - Jun 16, 2016 2

She’s one of the best in the business at spotting major tech trends before they happen.And since we’re all about spotting big trends early, too, venture capitalist Mary Meeker is well...

How to Invest Alongside Bearish Billionaires By Wall Street Daily - Jun 15, 2016

There is a conscious effort among stock market bulls to ignore growling stock market bears such as well-known bond fund managers Bill Gross and Jeffrey Gundlach – the latter of whom called the...

Saudi Arabia’s Solar Planning Is Paved In Oil Production By Wall Street Daily - Jun 14, 2016

In light of recent turmoil between the U.S. and Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS), it may be hard to believe that Saudi Arabia is one of the world’s biggest believers in a...

Hunting For Income Among Bank Stocks By Wall Street Daily - Jun 14, 2016

As I mentioned last week, with danger lurking among energy master limited partnerships (MLPs) and real estate, income investors are increasingly looking elsewhere. And that includes a tried-and-true...

Twilio’s IPO: Hot Or Not? By Louis Basenese - Jun 13, 2016

In recent articles, I’ve detailed the sorry state of the IPO market this year, and the hope that cloud communications provider Twilio (proposed ticker TWLO) could jumpstart activity.Expectations...

Get Ready For The Second Half Of 2016 By Wall Street Daily - Jun 10, 2016

Thus far, 2016 has been an absolute rollercoaster ride of market ups and downs for investors.In January, the talking heads foretold recession. Now, the S&P 500 is on the verge of setting a new...

Looking For Growth, Part 2 – Leapfrog To The New Frontier By Wall Street Daily - Jun 09, 2016

Yesterday, I examined Asia’s two big economies, Japan and China. In particular, their slowing growth and what it means for investments in those countries.Today, I’m going to show you where...

Looking For Growth, Part 1: Trouble In Japan And China By Wall Street Daily - Jun 08, 2016

It’s tough for investors to find decent economic growth in the world.The American economy hasn’t grown by more than 3% since 2005, the longest stretch of weak growth going back to...

Startup Firm Notion Hits Connected Home Market By Wall Street Daily - Jun 08, 2016

While tech analysts and fans are excited about the potential that home automation brings, most consumers aren’t yet feeling the vibe.Sure, products like Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN) Echo device...

Investing In A World Without Safe Returns By Wall Street Daily - Jun 07, 2016

A recent article in The Wall Street Journal perfectly summarized the dilemma faced by today’s investors.Being a successful investor, the article explained, means “bigger gambles, lower...

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