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Oil Firms Delaying Projects By Wall Street Daily - Feb 03, 2016

The 18-month plunge in global oil prices continues unabated.The price is now below $28 per barrel, thanks to even more supply streaming in from Iran. The International Energy Agency warns that the oil...

What Was U.S. Stock Market Valuation In 2015? By Alan Gula - Feb 03, 2016

In 2015, the stock market’s valuation was widely downplayed.But why would market watchers do such a thing with the U.S. stock market trading at its richest valuation in more than a decade? Well,...

The Uptrend Is Still Intact By Wall Street Daily - Feb 01, 2016

Market bulls finally have something to talk about.Last week, the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite Index both posted their first positive weeks of the year. Of course, the benchmarks have a long...

Avoid These Two Critical Mistakes By Wall Street Daily - Jan 31, 2016

Stocks around the globe have seen more than $3 trillion wiped off their valuations so far in 2016.Now, I’ve been in the investment business since the 1980s, and I’ve witnessed every large...

Don’t Get Boxed In: Containerboard Sees Drop In Prices By Wall Street Daily - Jan 31, 2016

You know that major commodities have taken a huge hit, but did you know that prices of everyday commodities, such as the material that goes into making the lowly cardboard box, have also cratered?As a...

Saudi Arabia’s Big Mess By Wall Street Daily - Jan 28, 2016

Oil’s continued plunge is vying with China for the early financial headlines in 2016.Yet many U.S. investors are missing the most important aspect of oil’s collapse: the dramatic effect...

How To Profit From Deflation By Wall Street Daily - Jan 28, 2016

A sharp decline in stock prices has stunned investors in the first weeks of 2016. This rapid decline follows a prolonged and deep decline in commodity prices.Monetary authorities across the globe are...

Don’t Panic: Put Time And Value On Your Side By Wall Street Daily - Jan 28, 2016

In the midst of this global stock market meltdown, you’re probably wondering whether you should do nothing or something.Gurus, pundits, and advisors usually recommend doing nothing in times of...

The Real Financial Crisis Will Be Caused By ETFs By Wall Street Daily - Jan 27, 2016

2016 continues to be “The Year of Living Dangerously” for stock market investors. And we’re only a little more than three weeks into the New Year!So far, China has featured in most...

Poland Unexpectedly Downgraded By S&P By Wall Street Daily - Jan 25, 2016

On January 15, Standard & Poor’s unexpectedly downgraded Poland’s credit rating from A- (positive) to BBB+ (negative), or just three notches above junk.In its report, the agency said...

Buy Or Sell? We Rate These 4 Tech Giants By Wall Street Daily - Jan 24, 2016

In this car crash of a stock market, it may well be worthwhile to focus on the companies that will largely endure whatever investors throw at them.Indeed, companies that significantly outperform the...

Which Countries Can Investors Trust? By Wall Street Daily - Jan 22, 2016

The market meltdown in China this year has caused many commentators to proclaim the end of Chinese economic growth.Yet geopolitically, the United States is much weaker today than it was 20 years ago,...

Why All The Volatility In China? By Wall Street Daily - Jan 21, 2016

So far in 2016, financial markets around the world have been buffeted by what’s occurring in China.The mainstream financial media likes to play the situation up as if China is in dire straits....

Dividend Aristocrats In A Bear Market By Wall Street Daily - Jan 21, 2016

One of the most popular income investing strategies is to buy the “Dividend Aristocrats,” those few companies that have increased their dividends every year for 25 years or...

Saudi/Iran Conflict Could Threaten Global Economy By Wall Street Daily - Jan 20, 2016

It was only a matter of time…Last week, relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran worsened sharply. First, the Saudis executed a Shia cleric. Then a mob attacked Saudi Arabia’s Tehran...

The Real Story Behind Fannie And Freddie By Wall Street Daily - Jan 18, 2016

Have you looked at the stocks of the Federal National Mortgage Association (OBB:FNMA), better known as Fannie Mae, and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (OBB:FMCC), better known as Freddie...

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