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Exploring The World Of High-Yielding ETFs By Wall Street Daily - Dec 03, 2015

The recent explosion of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) has provided income investors with many new ways of goosing returns.However, the ETFs with the juiciest yields can be quite dangerous, as...

The Trans-Pacific Partnership – Biggest Winners By Wall Street Daily - Dec 02, 2015

On Friday, I gave an overview of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deals and how the proposed changes will affect the United States.I also revealed one American company poised to benefit from those...

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, Who Profits? By Wall Street Daily - Nov 30, 2015

After eight years of planning and more than five years of mind-numbing negotiations, America and 11 other Pacific Rim nations representing 37% of the global economy finally reached an agreement on the...

India Is Back On Track By Wall Street Daily - Nov 27, 2015

On November 10, India’s government announced a series of aggressive measures to attract foreign direct investment (FDI).Most importantly, it eased local-sourcing requirements for international...

Farmland: A Growing Investment Option By Wall Street Daily - Nov 27, 2015

The last 20 years have seen a new asset category grow in popularity… farmland.And it’s easy to see why, because farmland is profitable. In fact, the National Council of Real Estate...

Negative Interest Rates Coming To the U.S. By Wall Street Daily - Nov 25, 2015

Back in October, I warned about several of the zany ideas that central bankers were ready to implement.And one of them – negative interest rates – is getting closer to becoming a reality...

Around The World In 4 Hours? By Wall Street Daily - Nov 23, 2015

Aerospace engineers are calling it the “biggest breakthrough in propulsion technology since the jet engine.”The “it” in question is called SABRE – a reusable, hybrid jet...

Where Are Americans Spending Their Money? By Wall Street Daily - Nov 23, 2015 1

Last Friday, the U.S. Department of Commerce released its October retail sales figures.For brick-and-mortal retailers, the results weren’t pretty. Sales grew a paltry 0.1%, missing expectations...

How To Pick An Emerging Market Fund By Wall Street Daily - Nov 18, 2015

If there’s one truism I’ve found during my years in the investing field – which date back to the 1980s – it’s the fact that everything is cyclical.What runs hot will...

Dividend Roulette With Refinery MLPs By Wall Street Daily - Nov 18, 2015

Upstream master limited partnerships (MLPs) have been generally devastated by the decline in oil and gas prices that began in the third quarter of 2014.Some bankruptcies have occurred, and...

Walter Energy: A Distressed Opportunity? By Wall Street Daily - Nov 16, 2015

I’m always looking for a big upside while trying to limit downside risk. (Who isn’t?) Which is why I find global deep value and “distressed” plays so interesting.These stocks...

Biotechs Send Buy Signal By Wall Street Daily - Nov 16, 2015

If you were searching for a one-word summary of biotechnology stock performance in September it would be “bloodbath.”On September 21, biotechs fell 6% following a tweet from presidential...

Invest In Global Infrastructure By Wall Street Daily - Nov 15, 2015

When you arrive for the first time in a new city or a foreign country, the first thing you notice is the airport, and then the roads or the subway on the way to your hotel – the...

The Best (And Safest) Way To Invest In Turkey By Wall Street Daily - Nov 15, 2015

On November 1, Turkey’s president, Recep Erdogan, scored a resounding victory in the country’s general election when his ruling AKP party won 317 of the 550 seats in the Turkish Grand...

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