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MrTopStep MrTopStep

MrTopStep's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by MrTopStep, including current material.
India’s Stock Market: Nothing “Random” About It By MrTopStep - Dec 11, 2016

Every day, the mainstream financial experts attempt to explain away fluctuations in stock market trends with some “fundamental factor” du jour, all of which boil down to this: good news...

Top Notch Trading: Noon Update By MrTopStep - Dec 09, 2016

How about those settle prices today. Both indexes finally found a common ground for the first time in awhile. It all but kept the beat of the drum to higher ground. I mentioned that paper came into...

S&P 500 Futures: VIX 11.00 By Danny Riley - Dec 07, 2016

With the Dow Jones futures (YMZ16:CBT), S&P 500 futures (ESZ16:CME), Nasdaq Futures (NQZ16:CME) and Russell 2000 futures (TFZ16:ICE) all trading at new all time highs, many traders we talk to are...

S&P 500 Futures: Italy Dip And Rip By Danny Riley - Dec 06, 2016

Bears Get Their DayLast week followed a shortened holiday week, and with the number of heavy economic releases on the calendar, we speculated that volume would increase. We also thought that after the...

S&P 500 Futures: Crude Oil, Deal Or No Deal By Danny Riley - Nov 30, 2016

November has been a record month for the stock market. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up over +6%, the S&P +4.1%, the Nasdaq Composite is up +1.75% and the Russell 2000 is up a whopping...

S&P 500 Futures: Holidays NewHighs 2211.75 By Danny Riley - Nov 28, 2016

S&P Up Three Weeks in A RowOn Wednesday the S&P futures (ESZ16:CME) traded up to 2203.50. The days total volume including, Tuesdays nights globex session, was one million contracts. Wednesday...

S&P 500 Futures: Never Say Die By Danny Riley - Nov 25, 2016

Since Super Tuesdays limit down move, the S&P futures (ESZ16:CME) have rallied 175 handles, or 7.75%, in 10 trading days. Below are the net changes from a week before the election to...

S&P 500 Futures & Turnem Down Tuesday By Danny Riley - Nov 02, 2016

After the announcement on Friday that the FBI was resuming their inquiry into the Clinton emails, and then some damaging Wikileaks showing John Podesta’s emails, the U.S. equity markets already...

NQ_F Floats With Crab & Shark By MrTopStep - Oct 31, 2016

Nasdaq Futures has been floating inside harmonic patterns Crab and Shark PRZ (Potential Reversal Zone aka completion zone for harmonic pattern) since August. There have been multiple attempts to go...

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