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The recent soft patch in growth and dovish shift from the Fed has made it less likely that the US enters recession next year.Six months ago, my best guess was that warning signals for the US economy...
While I still like tech, there are two 'R's in particular that I worry about: recession and regulation. Focusing on regulation, the risk is real, but is the market too concerned about it?In the year...
Forget the debates about nationality – the next ECB chief’s most important quality will be their ability to keep the show on the road in the next crisis.Mario Draghi has helped to steer...
As unpopular as it may sound, the response to climate change may require the global economy to move to a model based less on 'relentless growth'. But can we wean ourselves off consumption?The link...
Emerging market assets have rallied strongly since late 2018. But is this justified? And should we differentiate between the fundamentally stronger and weaker economies?Emerging market assets (EM)...
Some emerging market currencies actually trade more like developed market currencies in response to interest rate changes. Let's sort the 'yield shielders' from the 'bond boosters'.All kinds of...
Whether you’re looking at equities, bond yields, currencies or economic strength, it’s the US that’s been leading the charge. Is this likely to continue?As the S&P 500 reached...