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Dragonfly Capital Dragonfly Capital

Dragonfly Capital's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Dragonfly Capital, including current material.
Nasdaq: A Long Perspective By Gregory W. Harmon - Dec 27, 2013

A year end series taking a longer perspective in many market indexes, macro related commodities, currency and bonds. Over three weeks these reviews are intended to help create a high level road map...

Put Diamond Foods Back On Your Radar By Gregory W. Harmon - Dec 20, 2013

Diamond Foods, (DMND), had a very bad spell in 2011 when they apparently could not count how many nuts they were selling. The stock lost 75% of its value in less than 3 months and eventually bottomed...

Longer Gold Perspective: Down To $800? By Gregory W. Harmon - Dec 19, 2013 5

This article is part of a year-end series taking a longer perspective in many market indexes, macro related commodities, currency and bonds. Spread over three weeks, these reviews are intended to help...

The US Dollar: A Longer Perspective By Gregory W. Harmon - Dec 15, 2013

A year end series taking a longer perspective in many market indexes, macro related commodities, currency and bonds. Over the next three weeks these reviews are intended to help create a high level...

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