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Cumberland Advisors Cumberland Advisors

Cumberland Advisors's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by Cumberland Advisors, including current material.
Thoughts On LIBOR-Gate By Michael Lewitt - Jul 05, 2012

At first, the announcement that Barclays (BCS) was paying $450 million to settle charges that it manipulated LIBOR during the financial crisis seemed like just another minor corporate scandal. After...

Persian Gulf Heating Up By David Kotok - Jul 03, 2012

Javad Karimi-Qoddusi, a member of the parliamentary National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, said, "In line with this bill and Iran's sovereign rights, the Islamic Republic of Iran will not let...

The Muni Market Hits Halftime By John Mousseau - Jul 01, 2012

The municipal bond market is completing the halfway point of 2012 with a number of themes similar to those that were playing out last fall.Very cheap ratios in the intermediate and long end of the...

Thoughts On The Current Market Situation By David Kotok - Jun 27, 2012

We have switched gears, moving from Leen’s Lodge in Maine and a baked pickerel for lunch to the shark-infested waters near Wall St. in NYC. We are scheduled to guest-host Bloomberg TV's...

Thoughts On Operation Twist 1.1 By Bob Eisenbeis - Jun 24, 2012

The FOMC extended “Operation Twist” through the end of the year and committed to move another $267 billion of assets from its holdings of securities with maturities of 3 years or less into...

Twist And Whimper By Cumberland Advisors - Jun 21, 2012

We have regular morning email exchanges with several media friends. Bloomberg TV reporter Dominic Chu asked about our post-Fed-meeting view of macro, Fed, China, and markets.I sent him these...

Deconstructing The Eurozone By David Kotok - Jun 19, 2012

This weekend, leaders of 20 of the world’s largest economies headed to Mexico for a G-20 meeting, at which the outcome of the elections in Greece and the implications for Europe and global...

Desperate Times Call For Drastic Measures By Bob Eisenbeis - Jun 17, 2012

Europe continues to struggle with its banking, structural, and fiscal problems. The market’s reaction to Spain’s proposed €100 billion bank bailout was short-lived, suggesting that it...

Long Look At Europe's Bank System By Bob Eisenbeis - Jun 13, 2012

Lesson number one is that whenever a politician publicly states that “Our banks are well-capitalized and safe,” then you know they're not. If we hadn’t already learned this lesson...

Sorkin’s Column, My Response By David Kotok - Jun 13, 2012

On Sunday, we published a note after the news broke that Spain had negotiated a €100-billion capital infusion for its banks. We applauded the move because it showed that Spain and eurozone...

Spain’s Banks And Markets By Cumberland Advisors - Jun 11, 2012

Eurozone leaders rose to the occasion. They had no choice. The Spanish bailout means Europe will not permit “runs” to sink their banking system. Notice how we have not seen TV coverage of...

The ‘Good Guys’ And The ‘Bad Guys’ By Cumberland Advisors - Jun 06, 2012

This remarkable bond market continues to surprise. It's driven by the gap between the good guys and the bad guys. At 7:00 am, Yesterday, Erik Schatzker and Sara Eisen interviewed Gary Shilling on...

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