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The once unthinkable has happened: AT&T (NYSE:T), a Dividend Aristocrat that increased payouts for 30 years, said it will cut its payout nearly in half.The move is especially infuriating because,...
Energy prices have rallied furiously, but they likely have further to go. Oil and gas prices last peaked around 2014 and sunk slowly until the black goo hit negative prices in the spring of last...
There’s a new closed-end fund (CEF) on the market, and it comes from one of the biggest CEF issuers in the space: BlackRock (NYSE:BLK).It’s big—with $4.5 billion in assets under...
No doubt, there is a lot to be worried about right now in the financial world. Fortunately, there is finally a lot of worrying happening.We contrarians welcome unease. Broader discomfort means...
“I have no clue what to do,” said a friend recently over backyard beers. “On the one hand, stocks are still rising. On the other, everything is pricey.”I know you’re...
Manufacturing is as cyclical a business as there is, and it’s about to take off, driven by two vastly misunderstood factors:An uptick in inflation, and A big jump in stimulus spending What most...
The Fed has crushed many retirements because bonds simply don’t yield enough. Heck, neither do most stocks thanks to the equity bubble they’ve inflated!But we dividend-focused retirees...
Plenty of people blindly buy into the line that market volatility is a bad thing.It’s easy to see why, after last year’s crash dented retirement savings around the world. Contrarians like...
Let’s be honest: there are a ton of ways to collect passive income out there. But there’s only one that’s easy to get into (no matter how much money you have!), generates yearly cash...
Let’s chat about making some real money in stocks. I’m talking about 14.6% returns per year, every single year.I know, my 14.6% annual number sounds pedestrian in a world where peddlers...
Don’t let this inflation panic rattle you. This market is really just shifting gears, and we’re going to shift along with it, riding the waves to some big dividends that are about to...
Inflation worries are everywhere, so let’s dive into what’s behind them—and what we contrarian income-seekers should do right now. The three steps I’m about to show you could...
“Don’t you own that, B.O.?”Go figure. While some people are thought of for their jokes, their hobbies or their families, a reader thought of me when they read about a Vanguard fund...
We need to talk about SPACs, the popular kids of the investment world over the last year, because they could play a bigger role in our portfolios—and even our dividend income—in the...
Corn Prices Hit 7-Year HighsWhat a headline! Mr. and Ms. Market could handle a spiking M2. They could turn a blind eye to higher 10-year yields. But now, JP has really backed himself into a corner....
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: financial stocks are still a hotbed of dividend (and share-price!) growth for contrarian income-seekers like us.I know what you’re going to say next:...
Don’t listen to the naysayers—tech stocks are set to thrive in the coming months, and the sector is still a great place for us to go hunting for big, and growing, dividends.Here’s...