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A “great reset” is underway in our economy. The talking heads bemoan the losers. We contrarians should pay attention to the winners—and their stocks—because that’s where...
Ignore anyone who says share splits have no impact on your portfolio (or your dividends!).They absolutely do set you up for a nice price bump. I’ve seen it time and time again. It’s easy...
These days, many of the dividend investors I talk to feel squeezed between:Weak yields (which have plunged as stocks have surged) and High taxes (which are likely to rise further). You’re no...
Double-digit dividends are rare. A sky-high yield of 27.2% is an outright income unicorn.Only in the merry world of closed-end funds (CEFs) would we see such a tale. It’s enabled by talented...
If you’re not holding at least some of your portfolio in international dividend stocks, you’re missing out.Stocks (and funds) in some overseas markets pay higher dividends than US...
Don’t get me wrong—I love my kids. It’s just that I’ve loved “hidden yields” longer.What are these long-term affectionate affairs of mine? These under-the-radar...
We talk a lot about discounts and dividends in our CEF Insider service. And they’re critical, of course. The need for a high dividend is obvious, especially if you’re in or near...
As dividend yields and interest rates dropped in recent decades, income investors looked for ways to generate cash flow from stocks. Selling (“writing”) covered calls is one strategy that...
Nice to see our friends over at Barron’s finally catching up to us on the big dividends sitting right under our noses in oil and gas!It’s almost like the magazine’s writers are...
Let’s shrug off today’s “dividend desert” and do something most folks think is impossible—ridiculous, even. We’re going to replace our monthly salary with a huge...
The small-cap universe is offering investors one of the most elusive prizes of 2021:A bargain. As I recently wrote, Wall Street’s gaze has been fixated on the nearly uninterrupted yearlong rally...
These days I hear from a lot of CEF investors who are struggling to dig up cheap dividends. If you’re one of these folks, I get it. In fact, I’m right there with you!Even for those of us...
Stocks are floating higher daily, and that’s prompted a lot of readers to ask me when they should sell a dividend stock and take profits—and when they should let it run.You’re...
Markets took a dive (then posted a lightning-fast recovery) last week, a return to volatility that’s a good reminder to cast an eye over our dividend portfolios.One thing to pay particular...
These dividends are about to break free from their regulatory shackles. Once the cuffs are off, we’re going to see payout hikes up to 100%.Even the dividend growth “laggards” in this...
Hands up if you’ve heard of the Strategy Shares Nasdaq 7 Handl™ Index ETF (NASDAQ:HNDL).Right. I thought not. And I can’t blame you for overlooking this one. It’s a relatively...
The market looks like it’s about to fall apart. Which means we contrarians will step in, and smartly bank more dividend for our dollar.Some of us park our dry powder in cash. Others stash in...