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ETF Analysis & Opinion

Candy Matheson
FAANGs +5: Two New Risky 3x Leveraged ETNs By Candy Matheson - Feb 04, 2018

On January 23 of this year two new 3x leveraged ETNs—BMO REX MicroSectors FANG Index 3X Leveraged (NYSE:FNGU) and BMO REX MicroSectors FANG Index -3X Inverse Leveraged (NYSE:FNGD)—were...

Brian Gilmartin
How Have 2018 Growth Expectations Changed By Sector? By Brian Gilmartin - Feb 03, 2018

This blog post (see link) was written last December, 2017, and given tax reform and the hefty 6% return for the SP 500 in January, 2018, I thought a refresher might be in order. Since Thomson...

Gregory W. Harmon
SPY: Is This The Top? By Gregory W. Harmon - Feb 02, 2018 2

The stock market, it seems, is hitting milestones every month but is pulling back into the weekend. Despite the fact that stocks go up and down, no one invested in the market is ever happy when prices...

Tim Knight
Consumer Staples Set For A Fall By Tim Knight - Feb 01, 2018

The consumer staples ETF XLP is comprised of firms like Coca Cola, Pepsi and Procter & Gamble. The ETF broke its extremely long-term channel a while ago and is set for a hard fall. Looking closer,...

Tim Ord
SPX, Gold, GDX Technicals: 1/31/18 By Tim Ord - Jan 31, 2018

SPX Monitoring purposes; Long on 1/23/18 & 2839.13. Monitoring purposes Gold: Neutral. Long-Term Trend monitor purposes: Neutral. Today the TRIN closed at 1.18 and the Ticks closed at -306 which...

Jill Mislinski
Moving Averages: Month-End Preview By Jill Mislinski - Jan 31, 2018 1

Here is an advance preview of the monthly moving averages we track after the close of the last business day of the month. At this point, before the close on the last day of the month, all three...

Candy Matheson
S&P 500 'Shock Event' As Volatility Rises By Candy Matheson - Jan 31, 2018

I last wrote about volatility (SPX:VIX ratio) in my post of just a few days ago.Yesterday, the major indices gapped down at the open and closed near their lows. Here's how the S&P 500 Index (SPX)...

Tim Knight
Insults And Fake Markets By Tim Knight - Jan 30, 2018 1

I was thumbing through Monday’s New York Times, and there was a huge two-page spread of all the insults Trump has deployed (it’s quite well-organized). Accompanying all this text was a...

Chris Kimble
Are Banks About To Fall Apart At Financial-Crisis Highs? By Chris Kimble - Jan 30, 2018 1

Banks started showing cracks back in 2007 and before long, they began breaking support and fell hard.The current bank trend remains UP at this time. The trend finds itself back at 2007 highs, where...

Gareth Soloway
Price Target On NASDAQ BioTech ETF IBB Revealed By Gareth Soloway - Jan 30, 2018

As certain market sectors stall out, the biotechnology sector burst through its 2017 highs. This breakout will trigger a continued squeeze even higher on the iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology (NASDAQ:IBB)....

Jay Kaeppel
Are These Hidden Gems Or Disasters Waiting To Happen? By Jay Kaeppel - Jan 29, 2018

There is an asset class (I think you can call it that) that I have been intrigued with for some time now but have never written about. There are three primary reasons for this.*First, I’ve never...

David Kotok
S&P 500 Returns: Geography Matters By David Kotok - Jan 29, 2018

Strategas Research has compiled the year-to-date (through January 25) returns of major global equity markets. They point to Hong Kong and Brazil as the leaders, with returns YTD of around 10%. Of the...

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