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Since the lows in 2009, the Nasdaq 100 and Semiconductors (NYSE:SMH) have been much stronger than the S&P 500 (upside leaders). The NDX 100 (left chart) and semiconductors are very near their 2018...
Here is a brief review of period-over-period change in short interest in the May 16-31 period in nine S&P 500 sectors.Materials Select Sector SPDR (NYSE:XLB)XLB (60.92) has made higher lows since...
AT40 = 71.1% of stocks are trading above their respective 40-day moving averages (DMAs) (first overbought day) AT200 = 57.9% of stocks are trading above their respective 200-DMAs (a 4-month high) VIX...
The Fed’s plan of withdrawing $1 trillion in liquidity this year via QT has slammed into a BRIC wall.Year to date, the Fed has shrunken its balance sheet by $116 billion. This sounds like a lot...
Market technician Dave Chojnacki of StreetOne Technical Analysis recaps last week’s bullish action and previews what promises to be a volatile week for equities amid geopolitical...
The S&P 500 large cap index finally breaks out of a box. Further building on it near term may prove difficult as the options market indicates investor sentiment is sanguine right now.S&P 500...
Preface to all four parts: I am entering the week ahead relatively “light”, because the mountain of news events strikes me as fraught with risk. Between the North Korea summit (Tuesday),...
Markets feeling the pressure of Thursday''s selling recovered to maintain recent breakouts. For example, the NASDAQ 100 made it back to breakout support after briefly undercutting this level on...
Bulls Make A Break For ItLet’s pick up with where we left off last week: “There wasn’t any “bad news,” so to speak, so the “mediocre” news is that despite the...
Holy MOSES, what a boring Friday! As I write, the ES is up .12% and the NQ is down .12%. Average ’em out, and you get a Saturday trading session. So I’ll just put up the good ol’ TLT...
The S&P 500 index is arguably the most well-known worldwide. It is based on the market cap of the 500 largest companies in the U.S. The first-ever ETF, introduced in 1989, hoped to mimic the...
This update is in response to a standing request for real (inflation-adjusted) charts of the S&P 500, Dow 30 and Nasdaq Composite. It includes the latest monthly close data.Here are two overlays...
Well, it’s nice to see at least ONE equity market getting blown away. That’s Brazil. In a way, this collapse was neatly predicted by the ultrashort BZQ, which had a beautiful base. It has...
Market technician Dave Chojnacki of StreetOne Technical Analysis recaps Wednesday’s big market rally and updates the important technical levels to watch for the major U.S. averages.Equities...
The Small Cap Blend style ranks tenth out of the twelve fund styles as detailed in our 2Q18 Style Ratings for ETFs and Mutual Funds report. Last quarter, the Small Cap Blend style ranked ninth. It...