Preface to all four parts: I am entering the week ahead relatively “light”, because the mountain of news events strikes me as fraught with risk. Between the North Korea summit (Tuesday), the Fed (Wednesday), and both the ECB and Japan (Thursday), let’s just say I’m looking forward to next Friday once all the smoke has cleared. I’ve got 48 shorts, and I’ve broken these charts into four parts. As always, click on any thumbnail to start thumbing through the gallery of these twelve:
Hospitality Properites Trust (NASDAQ:HPT)
Imax Corp (NYSE:IMAX)
International Paper Company (NYSE:IP)
Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT)
Macy’s Inc (NYSE:M)
MetLife Inc (NYSE:MET)
Marathon Oil Corporation (NYSE:MRO)
Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS)
Myriad Genetics Inc (NASDAQ:MYGN)
National Fuel Gas Company (NYSE:NFG)
Potlatch Corporation (NASDAQ:PCH)
Principal Financial Group Inc (NASDAQ:PFG)