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Earlier, I shared why Detroit’s bankruptcy filing could set a dangerous precedent.The city is trying to force municipal bondholders to accept less-than-full repayment. And that’s never...
Don’t sweat it. That’s what municipal bond investors are being told by “respected” financial pundits in the aftermath of Detroit’s $18.5-billion bankruptcy filing –...
There are trends and mega trends… And now – thanks to the American Medical Association (AMA) – we’re on the verge of a super-sized trend. The AMA recently changed obesity...
Every Friday, I undergo a transformation: I switch from being the boring professor – who specializes in droning, long-winded lectures – to the nutty professor, who blows crap up. That...
Get this for pathetic… The latest yields on money market funds and 10-year Treasury bonds crawl in at 0.46% and 2.47%, respectively. There isn’t an investor in the world who’d be...
Yesterday, I promised to provide you with a logical, real-world price target for gold. So is gold undervalued or overvalued? Turns out the question is much easier to ask than answer. You see,...
Welcome to the world’s most secure vault…Completed in 1936, it’s encased in 16,000 cubic feet of granite and 4,200 cubic yards of cement.The vault door weighs an astounding 22 tons...
Talk about myopia! For 18 months straight, I’ve been chronicling the “huge recovery” in residential real estate, as one of the nation’s largest homebuilders recently put it....
It’s Friday, which means it’s time to get high on pictorial enlightenment.Don’t worry. It’s not illegal. Each Friday, I try to keep my mouth shut and let some carefully...
What drives stock prices? In this bull market, it’s the Fed, earnings and jobs. Or, more specifically, it’s the size of the assets on the Fed’s balance sheet, Wall Street’s...
File this one under “Much ado about nothing!” As I pointed out on Friday, stocks in the most popular emerging markets are getting clobbered. Truthfully, the entire emerging markets space...
Last Wednesday, Zhongpin Inc. (HOGS) finalized its going private transaction, handing investors $13.50 per share in cold, hard cash. You’ll recall, I originally put the company on your radar...
Talk about losing its luster.After more than doubling – from $881 an ounce at the end of 2008 to a record of over $1,921 in September 2011 – gold dropped to a 34-month low last...
Our 32nd President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, provided the best public speaking advice on record: “Be brief; be sincere; be seated.” And that’s precisely what I aim to do today, as I...
The biggest problem with being a contrarian is having the nerve to actually buck conventional wisdom. Most people don’t have the contrarian gene in their DNA, which means missing out on tons of...
My apologies, but I misspoke earlier in the week. The most dangerous, wealth-destroying investment in the world right now isn’t cash. It’s leveraged exchange-traded funds (ETFs). By my...
According to Barron’s Kopin Tan, “The whiff of [interest] rate volatility” is all it took to send stocks reeling last week -- erasing some $775 billion in value in two days.In case...