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MrTopStep MrTopStep

MrTopStep's Opinion & Analysis.
Featured here: a complete archive of all posts and research produced by MrTopStep, including current material.
S&P 500: Gotta Go Down To Go Up   By MrTopStep - Sep 09, 2014

While we expected a Friday spillover to Monday, it became clear yesterday, after a 4-point gain on the open, that the S&P 500 needed to “back and fill” before going further up....

Turn Around Tuesdays: S&P Slip-N-Slide   By Danny Riley - Sep 02, 2014

What we saw today was the back-and-fill we spoke about in this morning’s Our View. The market needed to let more buyers get in at lower prices in order to build up pressure to the upside. The...

S&P 500 Futures Up 90 Handles In 10 Days   By Danny Riley - Aug 20, 2014

10 days ago, the financial press was pushing talk of a bigger downturn or even a crash after a 95-point drop from the all-time high of 1985.25 (ESU14:CME). 10 days and 90 points later, we are looking...

Ukraine, The S&P And Thin To Win   By Danny Riley - Aug 19, 2014

The S&P 500 futures made the most of their 14.5 point gain by midmorning yesterday, staying in a 2-handle range for the last four hours of the trading day. It was a classic “thin to...

Why Might The S&P Go Down?   By Danny Riley - Aug 17, 2014

HIGH: 1961.00 EarlyLOW: 1937.50 Mid-MorningLAST: 1950.50 DOWN 3 HandlesTOTAL VOLUME: 1.7mil minis; 3.5k bigsMOC: SELL $220milThe geo-political /global turmoil is going to overtake next weeks economic...

No Stops Go Untouched In The S&P   By Danny Riley - Aug 14, 2014

What can we say that we didn’t say during the day as it happened? We said in the View this morning that 1943 was the level to break and there wiould be buy stops above it. Just before 10am, the...

Globex 1890 Low: Can It Hold?   By Danny Riley - Aug 08, 2014

With the Asian and European markets generally down overnight, the Emini S&P hit a low of 1890 overnight, then spent the day rallying. In the end, it rose a full 21 points. Traders took comfort in...

DAX: Where Is The Weakness Coming From?   By Danny Riley - Aug 05, 2014

HIGH: 1925.30 LOW: 1915.50 LAST: 1921.20 UP 2.7 Handles TOTAL VOLUME: 925k minis; 1k bigs Where is all the weakness coming from? Sure it's selling the good news/earnings, but have you gotten a look at...

High Anxiety In The S&P   By Danny Riley - Jul 30, 2014

The S&P has to go down before it makes a major move up. Today the market broke below support at 1960 to make a one-week low at 1956.50. We saw traders selling good earnings beginning last...

Month-End S&P Knock Down   By Danny Riley - Jul 30, 2014

Funds typically mark up stocks on the last day of the month and through the first three days of the new month. Ahead of that, we often see strong liquidation as well as buying at the lows....

Fear And Loathing In The S&P   By Danny Riley - Jul 24, 2014

We finally got a break from our 7-day up-down pattern in the S&P, but we also saw the slowdown we expected. Today was marked by low volume and a straightforward 7-point rise. The range was no...

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