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Editor's Picks

ETF Central
The Low Volatility Anomaly By ETF Central - Jan 19, 2023

During periods of high market volatility, the natural inclination of investors is to pivot towards asset classes, such as cash, for safety. But there is an alternative course of action, Low Volatility...

Barani Krishnan
Natural Gas in Race Against Cold to Stay Above $3 By Barani Krishnan - Jan 19, 2023 41

Gas bulls need cold to arrive faster and convincingly to keep Henry Hub above $3  Inflation, labor shortage, and materials scarcity have bumped up extraction costs for gas But sheer plunge in...

Francesco Casarella
Why You Should Stay Clear of Market Forecasts By Francesco Casarella - Jan 18, 2023 27

Goldman Sachs predicts the S&P 500 at 4,000 by the end of 2023 in its best-case scenario Last year, the bank missed its year-end forecast by roughly 25% Here's why the retail investor should avoid...

Damian Nowiszewski
Can Gold Keep Rallying to All-Time Highs? By Damian Nowiszewski - Jan 17, 2023 15

2023 is set to be a positive year for gold and silver Weakening U.S. dollar, global economic slowdown, and the Fed easing the pace of rate hikes are all tailwinds for the precious metals Gold could...

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